8. 在遇到來談的當事人開始提及家暴事件時,諮商師需要進行評估的向度以及處理通報議題的注意事項。(10 分)
7. 請說明美國學校綜合性輔導與諮商方案 (comprehensive guidance and counseling program) 的四大內涵,並進而扼要討論學校輔導教師與社區諮商師功能的差異所在。(20 分)
6. 請簡述後現代諮商取向的特色與重要性,並說明焦點解決短期治療 (Solution-focused brief therapy) 的重要理念與代表技術。(20 分)
Questions from 36-40
Gene therapy maybe in its infancy, but great hopes for its potential to treat everything from cancer to Alzheimer's to heart disease are forcing it to grow up fast. After two decades of lab research, gene treatments are increasingly making their way into human clinical trials. The bulk of research so far has focused on getting a gene to its destination and coaxing it to turn on once inside a cell. On their own, genes can't pass through cell membranes, and much effort has been spent to trick cells into accepting foreign genes. The most efficient couriers are so-called viral vectors: viruses whose genomes have been swapped out for therapeutic genes. Like Trojan horses, they slip genes into target cells undetected. But as scientists are learning, there is no safe way to hijack a virus. The vectors sometimes trigger immune reactions. And once the genes are inside a cell, there is no way to be sure they will function as intended. Case in point: a Paris gene therapy trial to treat SCIDs, or the "bubble boy disease," restored immune function in nine of 10 patients. But it was later revealed that two of them had developed leukemia.
40. "Leukemia" is a kind of _______. (A) cell (B) virus (C) disease (D) horse
39. According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT correct? (A) Genes are unable to move across cell membranes on their own. (B) Gene therapy is still in its early stages. (C) Scientists have made significant progress in taking control of viruses that carry therapeutic genes. (D) Much effort in gene therapy has been spent to deceive cells into accepting foreign genes.
38. What does the word "trigger" mean in the passage? (A) Activated (B) Shoot (C) Turn off (D) Plug
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