28. Epigenetic modulation can control gene expression without changing DNA
sequences. Please explain how this is achieved (5 points).
27. The two strands of DNA double helix can be separated by heating. If you raised the temperature of a solution containing the following three DNA molecules, in what order do you suppose they would "melt"? Explain your answer (10 points).
40. In order for lysogeny to occur, the enzyme
bacterial chromosome.
(A) ligase
(B) lysogenase
(C) helicase
(D) integrase
must insert the phage DNA into a specific site in the
39. Which of the following the represents the correct sequence of events for the Holiday model of homologous
(A) nicking, strand invasion, branch migration, ligation, crossed strand breakage, rejoining
(B) nicking, strand invasion, branch migration, crossed strand breakage, ligation, rejoining
(C) nicking, strand invasion, ligation, branch migration, crossed strand breakage, rejoining
(D) nicking, strand invasion, ligation, branch migration, isomerization, crossed strand breakage, rejoining
38. Which of the following exonuclease activities is present in DNA polymerase I?
(A) 3'exonuclease that degrades double stranded DNA
(B) 3'exonuclease that degrades hairpin DNA
(C) 5'exonuclease that degrades single stranded DNA
(D) 5'exonuclease that removes RNA from a DNA-RNA duplex
This is a large modal.