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五、何謂保險代位求償權?可分為那幾個種類?若海上運送人甲運送機器一台進口,該 機器之毛重為 150 公斤,進口商(貨主)B 乃向 C 保險公司投保海上貨物保險,該 批貨之商業發票價值為美金 80,000 元,依慣例投保之保險金額為美金 88,000 元, 保險條款為英國協會貨物保險 A 條款(Institute Cargo Clauses A),若貨物於運送 途中不幸因承保事故發生造成推定全損,但仍存有殘值美金 3,000 元。試問在運送人甲 確定有賠償責任之情況下,C 保險公司應理賠多少?機器之殘值應歸誰所有?保險 公司 C 向運送人甲進行代位求償時應可獲得多少之追償金額?(25 分)


【題組】 (1)Loading/Discharging rate

四、容積獎勵課題近來引起社會頗多關注,現行存在諸多有關容積率、獎勵容積的法規, 請問這些法規的名稱為何?各種獎勵容積的累加是否有上限的規定?「實設容積」 有可能為「法定容積」的幾倍?最後,試請綜合評論目前的容積獎勵政策。(25 分)

第 16 至 20 題為題組
         Goose bumps are one of those fight-or-flight reactions of the sympathetic nervous system. When you experience cold or fear, a nerve reaction is sent to the muscles, which then contract involuntarily. This muscle contraction causes your body hair to stand erect. The skin with standing body hair __16__ a goose’s skin after its feathers have been plucked—hence the name goose bumps.
          But __17__ is this helpful to us as a response to fear or cold? Back in the days when our ancestors may have had a lot more body hair, this might have helped to keep them warm or scare an oncoming predator. These days, however, goose bumps are __18__ to human beings. Goose bumps, or the reflex that causes them, also occur in many other mammals. Many mammals fluff up their fur when __19__ , to look bigger and thus more dangerous. For example, when a porcupine encounters a predator, its long sharp pointed hairs will stand up as a means of __20__ . In animals with a thick hair coat, the rising of hair traps more air between the hairs, providing another layer of insulation to keep them warm.

(A) threaten
(B) threatening
(C) threatened
(D) to threaten

四、請說明電漿平面顯示器以直流及交流工作的工作原理及其差異性?(20 分)

四、何謂行政中立?現行公務人員行政中立法的立法目的為何?並請說明推動我國行政 中立的途徑有那些?(25 分)

45 關於驗光師之法定義務敘述,包括下列那些?①業務文書製作義務 ②對主管機關不得為虛偽之陳述或 報告義務 ③對於因業務而知悉或持有他人秘密,不得無故洩漏義務 ④名稱專用義務