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您已接受申請人委託接手一件專利申請案的申請事宜,該申請案的說明書如附 件一所示,申請專利範圍如附件二所示,您收到經濟部智慧財產局的審查意見通知 函(如附件三所示)及其所附引證文件(如附件四所示),試題說明如下: 一、請撰寫一份申復理由書,除針對審查意見通知函所載不予專利之事由逐一回應 外,亦須記載自行審視申請文件發現錯誤後主動修正申請專利範圍之理由,申 復理由書應包含下列內容: (請依據前述附件一〜四之內容撰寫,不要補充您可能具有的有關發明主題之 技術內容。)

【題組】 ⑴有關本案已符合專利法第 26 條第 2 項規定之理由。(10 分) 若須配合修正申請專利範圍,請依據修正後之申請專利範圍來說明。

(A) 学理解释中的类推解释结论,纳入司法解释后不属于类推解释
(B) 将大型拖拉机解释为《刑法》第116条破坏交通工具罪的“汽车”,至少是扩大解释乃至是类推解释
(C) 《刑法》分则有不少条文并列规定了“伪造”与“变造”,但不排除在其他一些条文中将“变造”解释为“伪造”的一种表现形式
(D) 《刑法》第65条规定,不满18周岁的人不成立累犯;《刑法》第356条规定,因走私、贩卖、运输、制造、非法持有毒品罪被判过刑,又犯本节规定之罪的,从重处罚。根据当然解释的原理,对不满18周岁的人不适用《刑法》第356条

2. 模特兒代言男士用品形象廣告,創意總監希望其服裝色彩意象能夠展現成熟、穩健的感 覺,下列哪一組色彩配色最符合其需求?
(A) 粉紅、淺紫
(B) 蘋果綠、檸檬黃
(C) 深藍、深咖啡
(D) 金色、銀色

2.下列哪一種食物中的維生素 含量最高?

第二題: 網路平台現在有許多內容是由使用者所產製,然後成為傳統媒體的播出素材之一,請試 舉例何謂「使用者自製內容(user generated content)」,並對比這與傳統媒體的內容生產方 式有何差異?【25 分】

三、在心理衡鑑領域,下列是與明尼蘇答多相人格測驗( Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI)相關的問題,請依序作答:

【題組】⑷在 MMPI 測驗分數解釋上,何謂兩點代碼(2-point code)?如何運用? (10分)

    Launching a new product helps attract consumers as well as corporate buyers, and also informs the public about your product and business. Your product launch needs to be exciting and informative. First, you need to decide what type of people will be most interested in your product and will benefit the most from what you are offering. These people are your target audience, and should receive the most attention when you plan your marketing. Consumers of this age, gender, and social and economic background will be most interested in the product and will be the people most likely to buy it.
    Market research helps a company determine if consumers like the product, or if the product needs to be modified before introducing it. Many small companies use focus groups to test their product concept or idea. This may involve, for example, observing customer responses about the product through a one-way mirror. During focus groups, customers are often asked what they like or dislike about the product, including such things as product features, flavor, size, ease of use, and even price. Marketers can then use this information to make any necessary alterations to the product. The next step is to conduct a Beta test. During a Beta test, a company starts selling the product in several test markets in different areas. The markets should be similar in size to avoid getting results that are not accurate. Marketers run the Beta test just as they would a normal marketing campaign, with print, radio and television advertising, sales promotions and full distribution. The company may even run the Beta test for several
months or longer to evaluate sales and profits. If the Beta tests prove favorable, the company may then start selling the product on a more widespread basis.
    More work needs to be further considered for marketing purposes. Advertising campaigns, sales promotions, and even using social media to gain product visibility will all have to be integrated for product success.

【題組】13. Based on the passage, what is a focus group?
(A) It is a session in which customers are invited to give their feedbacks about products.
(B) It is a conference in which product designers brainstorm about new concepts and ideas.
(C) It is a meeting for companies to provide their performance reports, including new product launch.
(D) It is a press conference to invite the press and customers to try new products.

第一題: 請回答下列有關高空工作車之問題:

【題組】 (一)請寫出高空工作車之定義。【5 分】

一、葡譯中:(25 分)
 Lula diz que países amazónicos não podem “aceitar neocolonialismo verde”
 O Presidente do Brasil, Lula da Silva, disse, na Cimeira da Amazónia, que os países em desenvolvimento não podem aceitar “um neocolonialismo verde” com a desculpa de “proteger o meio ambiente”.
O chefe de Estado brasileiro tem sido muito crítico nos últimos meses às exigências ambientais que a União Europeia (UE) anexou ao acordo comercial que alcançou com o Mercosul (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai) firmado em 2019.
Essas novas garantias verdes, que os países europeus querem incluir e que Lula da Silva qualifica como ameaças paralisaram mais uma vez o processo de ratificação do acordo, negociado há quase um quarto de século.

1. 請分述認知、情緒、行為取向的心理諮商理論,處遇心理疾病的做法。 (30%)