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       A word first coined in 1918, but rarely used today, may become a more frequently used part of the English lexicon. That word is "hangry," which is a combination of the words "hungry" and "angry". It means to be bad tempered or irritable as a result of hunger. The word is making a comeback because of research that suggests "hanger" is a diagnosable feeling. Researchers believe "hangriness" could be a genuine medical phenomenon. Scientists from the UK's Anglia Ruskin University examined how hunger affects emotions during our daily lives. Lead author Professor Viren Swami said the research indicated a strong link between hunger and feelings of anger, irritability, or low pleasure.
       The researchers analyzed data from 64 volunteers aged between 18 and 60. The participants had to complete surveys on a smartphone app five times a day for 21 days. The app helped people to give researchers real-time information on their feelings when they were hungry. Dr. Swami explained this provided a "meaningful" link between hunger and emotions. He said that the results of the study suggested that the experience of being hangry is real. He added: "We show, for the first time in a non-laboratory setting, that feeling hungry is associated with greater anger, irritability and lower levels of pleasure." He suggested that if people knew they were hangry, they could control their anger better.

【題組】46. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Researchers can help us control our anger.
(B) Participating in surveys can be meaningful.
(C) There is a link between anger and hunger.
(D) It’s interesting to make a new word by combining more words together.


四、圖四之一簡支梁結構由後拉法預鑄預力矩形梁與場鑄板組合而成,梁與 板間設置足夠之剪力筋連結,梁跨度12 m ,矩形梁斷面 30 cm ✕ 50 cm , 每支預力梁間之中心距離為 250 cm,預力鋼腱採拋物線配置如圖四之二 所 示 , 場 鑄 板 之 厚 度 為 12 cm 。 預 力 梁 與 場 鑄 板 混 凝 土 均 採 619d8dcbab634.jpg= 350 kgf/cm2,容許壓應力為 0.6 619d8dea1aa90.jpg容許拉應力為619d8dfab6a87.jpg 。每支梁施預力時之油壓預力619d8e1102865.jpg=300 tf ,梁中點處之有效預力619d8e28994c4.jpg。假設簡 支梁之靜載重(含自重)為1.6 tf/m,試計算該簡支梁可承載之最大均布 活載重,計算斷面性質時可忽略預力鋼腱之貢獻。(25 分)
[提示]T 型梁翼板之有效板寬不得超過該梁跨度之 1/4;梁腹每側懸出之 有效翼板寬度不得超過翼板厚之 8 倍或該梁與鄰梁間淨距之 1/2。

2. Cache


2.4 For the following Figure 1, explain the reason why the miss rate goes down as the block size increases to a certain level, and explain the reason why the miss rate goes up if the block size is too large relative to the cache size.61e519cd65c66.jpg

PartⅡ: Please translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. (50%)

【題組】 1. My claim is that world literature is not an infinite, ungraspable canon of works but rather a mode of circulation and of reading, a mode that is as applicable to individual works as to bodies of material, available for reading established classics and new discoveries alike. This book is intended to explore this mode of circulation and to clarify the ways in which works of world literature can best be read. It is important from the outset to realize that just as there never has been a single set canon of world literature, so too no single way of reading can be appropriate to all texts, or even to any one text at all times. (25%)

38. 有關收(領)款收據第一聯之敘述,下列何者為誤?(收據第二章第二節 P14)
(D)應將填發情況登 載於現金收支登記簿。

39.49歲女性,失眠10年,近1年逐漸加重,潮熱盜汗,半夜熱至驚醒,醒後難復眠,白天精神不佳,影響工作, 伴見心悸不安,心煩不寐,腰痠,口乾,頭暈耳鳴,健忘,診其舌紅,脈細數。下列治法何者最適宜?

 其中 ε與 g 為常數,升力, 為飛行器水平位移量,z 為航高,m 為質量,V 為航速,γ為飛行路 徑角(flight path angle),ρ為大氣密度,β為常數。若此飛行器之升力與阻力係 數滿足下列公式: 
其中 CD0 及 K 為常數。在近似穩態的飛行條件下滑翔飛行 (T=0)求:

【題組】⑵從初始航高 z1(ρ=ρ1)滑翔飛行至海平面(z=0, ρ=ρ0)之最大滯空時間。 (10 分)

14.下列何者不是施工管理中的 5M?
(A) 人力(manpower)
(B) 材料(materials)
(C) 金錢(money)
(D) 管理者(manager)

二、實用題:(30%) 1. 某高職特教班的自然領域教師選定「UV 紫外線」為教學主題,希望教導班上學生有關的實用 概念和問題解決技能。請幫助這位老師:

【題組】(3) 設計兩個活動本位的教學活動(10%)