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5. ____: A place that offers shelter and food to travelers, often in rural areas. It was more common before railroads and modern hotels came into existence.
(A) Pension
(B) Inn
(C) Hostel
(D) Caravansary

四、將畜牧業廢水處理的沼液沼渣施用在農田土壤時,須符合土壤與地下水污染的環保 法規,也要能掌握土壤品質(soil quality)的改變,試就此一情境提出土壤品質的評 估?(25 分)

三、回溯性研究(Retrospective studies)有助於了解海洋生物資源與生態的歷 史演變過程。試就所知,那些方法可應用在海洋生物資源與生態的回溯 性研究上?(25分)

II. 解釋名詞

【題組】3. coenzymes

二、說明地理資訊系統中 Topology(拓樸,或稱位相關係)的意義及功用, 並以點、線、面三種資料形式說明至少三種位相關係。(25 分)

 2. 下列關於膠體沉澱的敘述,何者不正確?
(D)加入電解質溶液可以使膠體沉澱產生凝聚,而形成較易過濾的非晶型固 體。 


一、請說明下列問題: (一)請列出胃及胰臟分泌之蛋白質分解酵素有那些?請說明其作用受質 及最終產物。(10分)

四、目前知道宇宙到處都充滿了 3 度 K 的微波背景輻射:

【題組】⑵其成因為何?(5 分)

        Do you grab a candy bar when you feel tired? Do you soothe your weary mind with a doughnut? These quick fixes offer a temporary high that could actually be fueling your fatigue, sending you on a blood-sugar roller coaster. For example, researchers at Kansas State University measured mood in 120 college women who drank twelve ounces of water or beverages sweetened with either aspartame (NutraSweet) or sugar. Within 30 minutes the women who drank the sugarsweetened beverage were the drowsiest. Some people are so sensitive to sugar or caffeine that they feel tired, irritable, or depressed within an hour of eating even two cookies or drinking one cup of coffee. Others can tolerate large sugar doses before symptoms develop.
         Sugar is a good source of carbohydrate—the energy fuel—so why do sweets bring you down? For one thing, unlike starch, which slowly releases carbohydrate units called glucose into the blood, sugar dumps rapidly into the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar. To counteract this rise, the pancreas quickly releases insulin, which shuttles excess sugar from the blood into the cells. Consequently blood sugar drops, often to levels lower than before the snack.
         Sugar also increases tryptophan levels in the brain and triggers the release of the brain chemical serotonin, which in turn slow you down. A researcher and a professor of psychology at the MIT report that people feel sleepier and have “less vigor” for up to three and a half hours after eating a highly refined carbohydrate snack, as compared to a snack that contains more protein.
          Finally, people who frequently snack on sweets are likely to consume inadequate amounts of the energizing nutrients. Researchers in Australia report that the more sugar people consume, the higher their fat and calorie consumption and the lower their intake of vitamins and minerals.
        Consuming sugar as a quick fix for dwindling energy merely results in a temporary high, but in the long run, it can initiate a vicious energy cycle.

【題組】39. Which of the following items is NOT increased or released after the intake of sugar?
(A) insulin
(B) tryptophan
(C) serotonin
(D) calcium