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42 氣喘急性發作導致呼吸衰竭,使用呼吸器的情況及條件以下何者最恰當?
(A)PaO2<80mmHg 且 PaC02>40mmHg
(B)Pa02<60mmHg 且 PaC02<40mmHg
(C)Pa02<60mmHg 且 PaC02>40mmHg
(D)Pa02<80mmHg 且 PaC02<40mmHg

13. 在共同應用設計(JAD)會議中,何者扮演設定議題,並且需讓議程如期進行的角色?
(A)J AD 會議的 主席
(D)IS 的工作人員。

45. 下列何者非花崗石的特性?


【已刪除】Passage 3 Our current phase of overconsumption began about 30 years ago, when Americans began committing close to half of their annual expenditures to nonnecessities. It was the beginning of a gradual decline in the cost of consumer goods, the growth of everyday credit-card use and the rise of big-box stores and discount retailers that pushed their way into communities nationwide, forcing down prices and profits for those competing around them. In the past decade, the cost of cell phones, toys, computers and televisions has plunged, thanks in part to overseas manufacturing. The rise of “fast fashion”—popularized by the growth of clothing outlets like Gap, Forever 21 and American Eagle selling $10 T-shirts and $30 jeans—is now driven by low-cost imports H&M and Uniqlo. Today the average U.S. household has about 248 pieces of clothing and 29 pairs of shoes. It purchases, on average, 64 garments and seven pairs of shoes annually, at a total cost of $1,141 a year, or $16 per item.
【題組】46. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT the reason for Americans’ overconsumption?
(A) Americans frequently use credit-cards for everyday shopping.
(B) The price of consumer goods has been going down.
(C) More and more discount retailers set up in communities.
(D) All clothing outlets are selling low-cost garments.

4. 試就水中污染物處理效率、能源、水資源等三個面向,簡單比較臭氧/生物活性 碳及薄膜兩種高級淨水程序之特性。

22 有關外國專業人才及其配偶子女申請永久居留,下列何種情形得認定無不良素行?
