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第六題: 請回答下列有關資料庫高可用度叢集規劃與管理問題:

【題組】 (一)試說明系統叢集相對於磁碟陣列的高可用性差異。【3 分】

一、請解釋「生物多樣性公約」對「生物多樣性」 (biological diversity)的定 義。與生物多樣性其他定義相比,公約此定義有何獨特之處?(25 分)

3. Let |A| =7.

【題組】(a) How many closed binary operations functions f: A X A - A are there?

一、繪圖說明乾噴濕式紡絲機構,並說明乾式紡絲及濕式冷卻延伸之作用原理。(20 分)

6. 天目釉中的主要發色劑是下列何種原料?
(A) 氧化鐵
(B) 氧化銅
(C) 氧化鈷
(D) 氧化鉻

21             kita berkunjung ke pasar malam, dompet dan hp harus disimpan baik-baik.

三、不可壓縮(incompressible)、非黏滯性(inviscid)之三維(three-dimensional)流 場可存有速度向量與速度勢(velocity potential)φ的關係式如。若已知一位 於坐標原點(xs,ys,zs)=(0,0,0)之涵(sink)其速度勢為: (25 分) ,m=constant, 則分別:

【題組】⑶寫出圖(iii)之近似(approximated)速度勢,並算出圖中流量 Q 與涵之強度 m 之 關係式。

        People started tackling the idea of combining visual art and technology since the 1960s. The first attempt to bring together technology and art in the creative process happened in 1967. Back then, a group of artists worked with engineers and scientists from the famous Bell Laboratories to create groundbreaking performances incorporating new technology. These first installations and performances promoting the use of technology in creating art set a cornerstone for further digital art development.
        Andy Warhol was known as one of the most influential artists who used modern technology, such as video, film and screen printing, to make his art more visible and accessible. However, it is a little-known fact that Warhol was also one of the pioneers of digital art. He created digital drawings on an Amiga computer to advertise the computer system and their software program as a brand ambassador for the computer company, Commodore International. All of this happened in 1985, but Andy Warhol’s digital art pieces were lost and forgotten until 2014 when they were discovered and recovered by artist Cory Arcangel, a New York City based multimedia artist and a fanatic Andy Warhol fan, in the attempt to find and restore the images by staff and student members of Carnegie Mellon University’s computer club. From July 2017 to November 2019, the Warhol Museum exhibited these historic pieces of Warhol’s groundbreaking digital art using the original medium, a vintage Amiga computer.
         The nineties brought the internet and started the technology revolution. People soon recognized the vast possibilities of this virtual global network, and the digital art scene started booming. The internet helped numerous artists make their artwork more visible, with increasing accessibility to worldwide audiences. Advanced technology also enabled the artist to transform and manipulate their artwork, thus becoming a significant art medium.

【題組】7. Which of the following is true?
(A) Andy Warhol started using technology in art in late 1950s.
(B) Andy Warhol’s digital art pieces were later recovered and restored.
(C) Andy Warhol was a student of the Carnegie Mellon University.
(D) Andy Warhol used to work in Bell Laboratories.

15 桃園市政府警察局中壢分局位於延平路上。


三、某非恆溫反應器溫度操作如圖二所示,T01, T02,…, T06 為反應器入口溫度。(每小題 5 分,共 15 分)

【題組】 (一)寫出反應器入口溫度操作在那幾個溫度時,會有多重穩態(multiple steady states)發生。