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7.我和年齡相若的同伴們溯著立霧溪的一些支流而上,在□□的巨石間攀爬跳躍,穿過寒冷嘩叫的水瀑,我們□□著身體,也大聲地嘩叫著,然後我們有時就停下,躺在水中平板的大石上胡亂唱歌,看山間的樹葉在水 霧飛濺中迴轉著緩緩飄落,蛙類驚慌地跳下水。有時,我們繼續走,為了 繞過峭壁夾峙的深潭,便找來梗在石頭間的浮木,將它靠在長滿了青苔的陡崖,然後再顫□□地抱著木頭爬到可以落腳的更高處,或者腳踩著斜生在石壁上的樹幹,手也緊抓著枝葉,戒懼地一步一步走過,偶爾實在害怕, 便轉身直立地跳入那綠得泛黑的寒潭裡。 

25. 自來水公司隨時監控水庫的蓄水量是屬於下列哪一種控制?

8 下列何者非民事財產訴訟所採用之原則?

請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題: 
    The recent proliferation of drones has spawned intellectual debates on whether a country has the right under the Law of Armed Conflicts and international law to unilaterally deploy these remotely controlled aircrafts abroad for military purposes. The use of drones in support of combat operations – particularly striking distant terror operatives – has become the most controversial legal topic. Many of the most frequently expressed criticisms about drones and drone warfare do not hold up well under serious scrutiny or, at any rate, there’s nothing uniquely different or worse about drones when compared to other military technologies. Consider the most common anti-drone argument: drones kill a disproportionate number of civilian noncombatants. However, drones kill fewer civilians, as a percentage of total fatalities, than any other military weapon. According to the UN’s mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) 2012 report, the number of Afghan civilian casualties caused by the United States and its allies did not increase in 2012; in fact, they decreased by 46 percent. More specifically, civilian casualties from “aerial attacks” fell 42 percent. The UNAMA report found that drones released 506 weapons in 2012, compared to 294 from the previous year. Five incidents resulted in casualties with sixteen civilians killed and three wounded, up from just one incident in 2011. Even as drone attacks increased, the UN reported an overall decrease in civilian deaths by airstrikes with the US-led coalition implementing stricter measures to prevent innocent people from being killed. In another empirical report concerning drone strikes cited by The New York Times, 522 strikes have killed an estimated 3,376 militants and 476 civilians, decimating al-Qaida leadership even as the loss of innocent life intensifies anti-American sentiment in nations where strikes occur. Further, according to The Long War Journal, an estimated 801 militant deaths in Pakistan occurred from US drone strikes in 2010. This figure is significantly higher than the 195 drone-caused deaths occurring from 2004 to 2007.

【題組】26 According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct about drones used for military purposes?
(A)Drone warfare kills indiscriminately civilians and combatants.
(B)Drones could be deployed to cause massive noncombatant deaths.
(C)Drones are increasingly inefficient to cause military deaths.
(D)Fewer civilian casualties were caused even with more drone attacks.

28 下列有關美國藥典第25 版中,對於氯化銨注射液含量測定之敘述,何者是錯誤的?
(A) 檢品置於凱氏瓶中
(B) 加碳酸氫鈉於檢品後進行蒸餾
(C) 接收瓶內要裝硼酸液
(D) 蒸餾時冷凝器出口管置於硼酸液下


一、共有三部同為四行程四缸2000 c.c.引擎:火花點火式(SI)汽油噴射引擎、 直接噴射式(DI)柴油引擎和間接噴射式(IDI)柴油引擎,問:

【題組】 ⑴請由燃燒室設計、進氣及燃料系統之不同特性,比較說明SI和DI引擎之最 大制動平均有效壓力(brake mean effective pressure)的大小順序。(10分)