請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題:For United States Government personnel abroad to host a banquet, round tables of six or more persons allowmore flexibility than rectangular ones. Often it is more convenient to 11 at two or more tables of six ormore persons. The advantage of this arrangement is that it affords more places of honor as the host andhostess can each have a co-hostess and cohost at their 12 tables. At seated meals, foreign guests shouldhave precedence 13 Americans of comparable rank with the exception of an American Ambassador.American officials present on such occasions should understand that it is 14 to cede one’s rank to arepresentative of another country. They should forget precedence among themselves and be prepared to beseated in any way that will make conversation easier and will take language abilities into account. To avoidany misunderstanding, it would be well for the host or hostess to inform in advance any guest, whetherAmerican or foreign, who are not seated according to protocol, of the reason for this 15 from the norm.When a high official is a guest, they should obtain his prior permission.
【題組】14 (A)customary (B)reliable (C)regulatory (D)controversial
【非選題】 二、甲為專利權人,因認乙之產品侵害其專利,乃提請民事訴訟求償(下稱
由,經智慧財產及商業法院 A 法官審理後,認乙之抗辯不可採信,判決
甲勝訴確定(一審確定) 。乙轉而以相同之專利應撤銷事由,對甲之專利
(下稱系爭行政訴訟) ,案件又分由包含 A 法官在內組成之合議庭審理。
乙認為 A 法官先前已經在系爭民事訴訟審理過相同之專利應撤銷事由,
如果再次由 A 法官參與系爭行政訴訟之審理,必然對其不利,乃以此為
由,聲請 A 法官迴避。請問:乙聲請 A 法官迴避,是否於法有據?請嘗