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Question set III
Suppose we have an array A containing 9 integers (with the first index being 0):
                     240, 119, 682, 341, 225, 556, 122, 661, 245
Please answer the following questions.

【題組】14. We use Quick sort to sort the aray in ascending order. Which of the following are false after the first partition?
(A) A[0]=240;
(B) A[8]=682;
(D) A[7]=661.

14. P = AR = MR的市場型態為

7.图2示意大气垂直分层,读图2回答7-9题。 图中正确表示大气层气温垂直变化的曲线是
(D) (4)

五、在支序系統學(cladistics)中,請畫圖並說明比較三種生物歸類(grouping)方式的 異同:monophyletic、paraphyletic 以及 polyphyletic。(20 分)

四、當車站發生火災時,需指派管理人員肩負現場指揮官的角色,這時應啟動那些任務編組? (20 分)

題目四: 甲申請設立工廠,主管機關於核准文中註明「工廠不得損害附近之農作物」,請問:

【題組】(四)甲不遵守該項要求,主管機關得對該核准行為採取何種強制決定?【7 分】

【已刪除】Passage 3 According to the World Resources Institute, approximately 38% of the world’s population could face chronic water shortages by the year 2025. It is estimated that humans use 45 times as 26 water as they did three centuries ago. All over the globe, humans are pumping water out of the ground faster than it can be 27 . The United Nations recently outlined the severity of the problem, saying that more people will suffer a high level of water stress if consumption continues at current rates. Several factors contribute to water shortages. Irrigation, which grows 40 percent of the world’s food and makes it possible to feed the plant’s 6.2 billion people, 28 the largest percentage of water use. Another problem is that people don’t see the need to conserve water. If people can 29 the seriousness of the situation, they may be more willing to take action and use less water. In addition, it has been found that some places were rife with broken water pipes, leaky toilets, and faulty plumbing 30 a lot of water was simply being wasted.
(A) in where
(B) which
(C) wherever
(D) whereby

6. Consider the titration of 100 mL of 0.05 MNH3 (Kb = 1.8 x 10-5) by 0.1 MHC1. (20 pts) Calculate the pH of the resulting solution after the following volumes of HC1 have been added.

【題組】(b) 25 mL