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一、請寫出牛乳中重要蛋白質, (10 分)並以繪圖詳細說明酪蛋白膠粒(casein micelle)的結構。(15 分)

43. 常以等高線展示地貌之地形圖上,如果首曲線高程間距為 3m,則該 地形圖等高線計曲線間之高程間距為?
(D)20 m。

【已刪除】24. 我們地球很大,資源很多,我們應如何對待?
(A)資源很多,取之不盡, 用之不竭
(C)資源有限, 要節省使用

―、文學常識:將左列的文學作品/作家對應聯接右列相關的文學概念 (1x12=12%):

(A) Humanisme de la Renaissance
(B) Les Parnassiens
(C) Le surrealisme
(D) Le naturalisme
(E) Le symbolisme (F) Tragedie classique (G) Recit autobiographique (H) Le heros engage (I) L'age des Lumieres D La Fable (K) Sonnets d'amour (L) Roman historique du romantisme

【題組】3.( ) Essais (Montaigne)

64. 擔任高壓氣體容器操作人員者,依法令規定,其資格應具有下列何項證照?
(A)高壓氣體容器操作職 類技術士
(D)第一種壓力容器操作職 類技術士。

一、利用靜力平衡與理想氣體之狀態方程,導出兩層空氣間之厚度與其平均溫度之關係。說明七月份1000 hPa及700 hPa間之平均厚度圖大約會呈現怎樣的分布,並解釋此分布之成因。 (25分)


(三) 如圖所示的連桿組機構,所有桿件的質量都忽略不計,若 O4B 桿承受負載 FLoad = 100 N,5d8b251d0bbd1.jpg

(B) 在圖示的平衡位置時,試求作用力 Fin為多少?(5 分)

Fill out the blank fields and provide your explanations on the answer book 
Sir Pelleas, the prime minister of Neverland, states that Neverland saw exactly the same number of births and deaths in the past five years and will log zero population growth rate over ten consecutive years.
 Sir Ector said that the central bank target the interest rate of Neverland based on i= 614bfb2239651.jpg (percentage gap between actual & full-cmployment GDP).
 Sir Lucan states that Neverland's consumption function is C (consumption) = 0.1 + 0.6 x GDP
Sir Dagonet says that the country's production factor of labor is 100 total work hours.
Sir Gawain reports that the country's production factor of capital is 400 total capital hours and that about 1 0% of GDP is used to replace depreciating capital. 
Duke Rez said that the country of Neverland has been a closed economy since the Medieval Period and its production function Y= 614bfb6cd979c.jpg
Sir Dinadan teaches the cabinct members that the marginal product of capital (MPK) is the incremental increase in total production that results from one unit increase in capital while keeping all other inputs constant. When an economy has constant returns to scale, any increase in capital while keeping labor constant results in diminishing marginal product of capital
 Sir Lamorak teaches the cabinet members that Tobin's Q equals the market value of a company divided by its assets' replacement cost. Thus, equilibrium is when market value equals replacement cost. At its most basic level, the Q Ratio expresses the relationship between stock market value of the economy's capital and the actual cost to replace capital that were purchased when the stock was issued.
Based on the above information,

【題組】3. Neverland's output per labor hour =_______. Show your calculation. (2.5%)