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34. 要讓區域網路內的所有3C設備,透過IP分享器使用同一個真實IP連上網際網 路,則該IP分享器需具備哪一種技術?
(C)DoS Protection


【題組】D. (6%) What are the differences between the hardware architecture of a multicycle MIPS processor and that of a five-pipeline-stage MIPS processor? Please also explain why these differences are necessary.


【題組】 (一)丙在開標前發現冒用之情事,應為如何之處置?

三、下列藥物之作用機轉及臨床用途:(每小題 6 分,共 30 分)

【題組】(二) Selegiline

(A) 腕骨
(B) 肱骨
(C) 膝關節
(D) 髖關 節。

76 .蘇格蘭威士忌(Scotch Whisky)的法定儲存年限最少是 

You can use either English or Chinese to answer these questions. For treating a 12-year-old boy with Class II division 2 malocctusion,
 1. Please describe the biomechanics of how you would design to distalize upper dentition in this boy with drawings to show the vectors and forces, what kinds of side effects you expected, and how to prevent them. (25%)

3. L-dopa is often given to people suffering from Parkinson's disease. However, some patients will begin to experience hallucinations. What is the best explanation for this psychotic symptom of side effects?
(A)The disease causes the patient so much stress that a break from reality is inevitable.
(B)The patient is getting too much dopamine stimulation from the L-dopa.
(C) The patient needs larger quantities of the dopamine in L-dopa to keep the hallucinations away.
(D) L-dopa depletes an important vitamin necessary for preventing hallucinations.


3.Given a water vapor density 612f0e54287ce.jpg, the molecular mass of dry air612f0e76e1f52.jpg, amospheric pressure P = 100 kPa, and air temperature is T = 300 K, answert ver the followin lowing questions. (20 pt)


(d) What is the mixing ratio 612f0efe0bf82.jpg?(5 pt)