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Biological reactions __(14)__ by enzymes are generally very  __(15)__ to certain chemicals known as the __(16)__ of the enzymes; the chemicals bind to the __(17)__ . site of the enzyme to become an ES complex with a much lower __(18)__ energy.
The reaction therefore can occur under mild conditions (e.g. temperature and pressure) with sufficient efficiency.Based on Michaelis-Menten model, the reaction rate is related to the concentration of ES complex as the following__ (19)__ kinetics.61679ef7c4721.jpg
 In the__ (20)__ state, the concentration of ES complex can be solved as follows.

An enzymatic reaction rate therefore increases non-linearly with the substrate concentration and reaches a  maximum as the substrate concentration being much higher than __(21)__.
 Since the kinetics is not linear, it will be more convenient to analyze the parameters by plotting the

__(22)__values of the reaction rate against those of the substrate concentration.

 The __(23)__ of the plot will be proportional to the Michaelis constant.
The following plots show the existence of__ (24)__ . inhibitors which will alter the apparent KM (the slope of the plot) of the enzyme kinetics without changing the Vmar. The higher the inhibitor concentration, the__(25)__ the apparent KM.
 According to Arthenius expression, the rate constant (k2) of an enzyme will be alfected by the temperature (T) and the activation energy (Ea). 'The reaction for the substrate possesses an Ea _ __(26)__ than other of the enzyme.chemicals, which is the origin of the substrate __(27)__of the enzyme.
The best way to calculate the activation energy is to multiply the slope of the semi-logarithmic plot of V

against (1/T) with the negative value of __(28)__.



4. 利用下面木質素前驅物(Coniferylalcohol)舉例並畫出木質素主要之化學鍵結型式3種。(9%)

37 下列有關呼吸運動調節之敘述,何者錯誤?

30. 下列何種技術是利用硬碟空間來解決主記憶體空間之不足?
(A)多工技術 (Multitasking)
(B)分時技 術 (Time Sharing)
(C)同步記憶體 (Concurrent Memory)
(D)虛擬記憶體 (Virtual Memory)。

二、過去南部曾有人吃了黃金鯛魚(雙斑笛鯛)中毒以及臺東縣成功鎮曾發生因食用青鱗 仔魚之中毒事件,衛生單位檢測這些魚體中含有天然海洋生物毒素,請問此毒素的名 稱?(3 分)中毒的症狀?(7 分)毒素的來源?(3 分)毒素毒化的機制?(7 分)

17. 自來水水質處理中,最常以下列何者消毒?

3. 關於企業與關係人之敘述何者為正確?

Questions 31-37
       Vitamins, which maintain and facilitate the body's various functions, are an important part of our diet. Many people take vitamin supplements to help them.__(31)__aily allowance. However, recent researches have recommended that people who take vitamin supplements may be getting too much of a good thing.
        Many of the foods we eat already have vitamin.__(32)__ added to them. People drinking a glass of orange juice may think that they're only getting a dose of vitamin C. In fact, they are also getting added calcium and vitamin D. Breakfast cereal alone provides more than half a person's daily allowance of some vitamins.__(33)___ hese levels with supplements can cause some side effects.
       According to the Office of Dietary supplement in the US, too much vitamin A can cause headaches and affect bone strength. Too much iron can affect the liver and__(34)__ npleasant vomiting. Vitamin supplements are not__(35)__ the same strict tests as medicine, which makes knowing what's really in them problematic. Besides, they are not tested for safety or effectiveness because they are not considered a__(36)__for disease.
        If you feel that you must take vitamin supplements, nutritionists suggest taking them in__(37)__doses. This means that if you take a calcium pill, you shouldn't drink too much milk. They also advise against excessive intake, such as eating three energy bars for breakfast and then taking a dose of vitamin A. If your diet is relatively balanced, chances are you are already OK where vitamins are concerned.

(A) informed
(B) civilized
(C) unexpected
(D) recommended