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【題組】⑴說明地質露頭的觀察要項。(10 分)

三、馬歇爾‧麥克魯漢(Marshall McLuhan)《認識媒體─人的延伸》 一書中所提到的「The medium is the message」 ,他認為,溝通模式 的變化將重新定義個人的自我認同與社會的組織模式。請以新媒 體角度說明你的看法。 (25 分)

38.對於二次冷媒(secondary coolant)的敘述,下列何者錯誤?
(C)可於 0 oC 以下操作

第一題: 請回答下列問題:

【題組】(二)為何要做品牌?【4 分】

二、實用題:(30%) 1. 某高職特教班的自然領域教師選定「UV 紫外線」為教學主題,希望教導班上學生有關的實用 概念和問題解決技能。請幫助這位老師:

【題組】(3) 設計兩個活動本位的教學活動(10%)

依《性別工作平等法》之規範,届主應防治性騷擾行為之發生。其催用受僱者三十人以上 者,應有何種作為【5分】?又主於知悉性騷擾之情形時,又應有何種作為【5分】?

【已刪除】請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: 
When the police chief in Tacoma, Wash. shot and killed his wife in a parking lot after years of abusing her, the shock from that event 10 years ago mobilized national support for a more aggressive response to domestic violence in police households. While police officers today are more aware of the problem, the following is also true: In many departments, an officer will automatically be fired for a positive marijuana test, but can stay on the job after abusing or battering a spouse. In the wake of the Tacoma killing, the International Association of Chiefs of Police strengthened its efforts to persuade departments to adopt a set of model rules on domestic violence in their own ranks. Responding to concerns that domestic violence had long been treated more leniently than other forms of misconduct, the organization called for zero tolerance for abusers, tougher pre-employment screening and a separate set of procedures to ensure rigorous investigation of every accusation. But police departments have been slow to adopt the rules. And while most officials say they treat domestic abuse by officers as they would any other form of misconduct, interviews and disciplinary records indicate that, in fact, punishment is often light and job loss uncommon. Only a quarter of the 56 largest city and county police departments that responded to a recent survey have a distinct policy for domestic violence involving officers. And only one, Nashville, has adopted the entire model policy, according to the survey, conducted by The New York Times and the PBS investigative news program “Frontline.” Three others — Charlotte, N.C.; Chicago; and Columbus, Ohio — follow most of its provisions.

【題組】56 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)Domestic violence is rare among police officers.
(B) It is illegal to abuse one’s spouse.
(C)One police officer shot and killed his wife.
(D)Police departments are slow to police their own abusers.

第四題: 司法警察(官)常因調查犯罪以通知書約談嫌疑人到場(即我國刑事訴訟法第71條之1), 請問此種「約談」與檢察官之「傳喚」,其要件及法律效果有何不同?【25分】

四、請由林務局管理國有林的組織任務分類,說明林業技師規劃經營公私有林應有的認知。 (25 分)