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貳、非選擇題 3 大題
           SVB is the largest bank failure event in March since 2008 financial crisis. Its strategy was to invest billions of dollars in long-term U.S. treasury bonds, when U.S. interest rates were at record lows in 2021.However, long-term bonds only pay out at maturity, and they lost value as the Fed began to raise interest rates in 2022 to fight inflation. In result, SVB had to sell the bonds at a staggering US$1.8 billion loss, which caused panic among investors and depositors. This led to a sharp sell-off of the bank’s shares, and a run by depositors. From this class, please answer the followings questions:

【題組】(二)What are the minimum liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio under Basel III? 【5 分】

【題組】6.(延續上題)如果另外随機抽200位台大學生測量其血壓,你認為以下哪個數值最適合做為其中高血壓學生人數的估 計值?
(A) 20
(C) 40
(D) 50

一、(1)請分析警察勤務活動的內容包含那些層面?(6 分)

14. A2 圖紙之面積大小為 A3 圖紙面積大小之幾倍?

      Please translate the 10 underlined words(翻譯下列10個有底線單字):
The centromere is essential in cell division but its exact function and   (1) composition   has cluded
researchers for many years. A novel PCR-based approach may force the centromere to give up its final
secrets. The centromere   (2) comprises   approximately 5% of the human genome, is at the center of every chromosome as the link between sister chromatids and plays an esscntial role in cell division by   (3)facelltating   spindle attachment and   (4) ensuring   proper chromosome segregation. However, the study of centromeres has becn made dificult by its repetitive DNA sequence - leading to its   (5) reputation   as the final frontier of DNA. Centromeres are comprised of long repeating sequences of DNA named alpha satellite DNA. The sequences within the repeats are similar or even identical, cach comprising of potentially 170 bases, hence making ordering the sequences difficult. Traditional DNA sequencing   (6) chops   up a DNA strand into shorter parts, which are then read and (7) assembled back together. "The problem with centromeres is all the pieces look the same. I'll be like putting together a puzzle of the Sahara Desert,"commented Beth Sullivan, a molecular biologist at Duke University School of Medicine (NC, USA). Whilst the human genome project may have been   (8) declared   complete 15 years ago, there are still gaps. This is mainly comprised of centromeric DNA as the technologies at the time were not   (9) sophisticated   cnough to allow the sequencing of this   (10) portion  . However, recent developments in this field have now pioneered technologies which are sophisticated enough.


一、請試述下列系統的作動原理與功能:(每小題 10 分,共 20 分)

【題組】(二)上坡起步輔助控制系統(Hill-start Assist Control, HAC)。

四、有一家電腦公司以每十個為一個批量來生產記憶體,根據過去的經驗,該公司知道 所有批量產出 10%不良品的機率為 0.80,產出 50%不良品的機率為 0.20。如果產出 10%不良品的批量(視為好的批量),送到下一個製程將會產生$1,000 的處理成本; 如果產出 50%不良品的批量(視為不好的批量),送到下一個製程將會產生$4,000 的處理成本。該公司也有另外一種方案可以重做這個批量,但是要額外花費$1,000 成本,然而重做後的批量將一定會是好的批量。此外,公司也可用$100 的代價由一 批中抽出一顆記憶體來測試並決定該批為好或不好的批量。如果該公司希望將每批 的期望總成本降到最低,請為該公司決定其最佳策略。(25 分)

64 下列何者不是自發性氣胸好發族群的特徵?
(A) 男性