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一、依據「護理人員法」第 7 條之 1 第 3 項規定: 「專科護理師之分科及甄 審辦法,由中央主管機關定之。」據此訂定之「專科護理師分科及甄 審辦法」而產生專科護理師,而專科護理師之職業範圍,依據「護理 人員法」第 24 條第 3 項、第 4 項之規定,除得執行健康問題之護理評 估、預防保健之護理措施、護理指導及諮詢、醫療輔助行為之外,並 得於醫師「監督」下執行醫療業務。此之「監督」 ,依據「專科護理師 於醫師監督下執行醫療業務辦法」第 2 條規定,監督係指由專科護理 師及訓練專科護理師執行醫療業務前或過程中,醫師對其所為之「指 示」 、「指導」或「督促」 ,監督不以醫師親自在場為必要。同法第 5 條 規定,專科護理師及訓練專科護理師執行監督下之醫療業務,得由醫 師預立特定醫療流程。同法第 3 條規定該醫療業務之項目,以正面表 列方式呈現。
復依據衛生福利部(以下簡稱衛福部)疾病管制署於中華民國 109 年 4 月 24 日以疾管感字第 1090051733 號函致衛福部護理及健康照護司, 針對「專科護理師可否執行 COVID-19(新冠肺炎)相關咽喉拭子採檢 作業」之疑問,說明:「……二、依據傳染病防治法第 46 條第 1 項第 1 款:『傳染病檢體,由醫師採檢為原則;接觸者檢體,由醫師或其他 醫事人員採檢;環境等檢體,由醫事人員或經採檢相關訓練之人員採 檢。採檢之實施,醫事機構負責人應負督導之責;病人及有關人員不 得拒絕、規避或妨礙。』三、爰此,符合嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎通報條 件個案之咽喉或鼻咽拭子檢體由醫師採檢為原則,未符合上述條件個 案或接觸者之咽喉或鼻咽拭子檢體,得由醫師或其他醫事人員採檢。」 試問: (每小題 15 分,共 30 分)

【題組】 (一)此之「疾管感字第 1090051733 號函」之法律性質為何?

二、簡答題:(每小題 5 分,共 25 分)

【題組】 ⑶請說明下列 A、B、C、D、E 各適用何種統計方法進行分析? A.男性與女性兩性別在身高平均數是否有顯著差異存在? B.律師、社工師與醫師三種職業在平均收入上是否有顯著差異存在? C.用受教育的年數來預測其未來的收入 D.身高和體重之關係 E.捷運系統之有無與縣市型態(直轄市、省轄市與縣)之關係

三、試說明動物的血液循環之種類。(20 分)


Please show all your work because (i) partial credit will sometimes be awarded and (ii) full credit will NOT be awarded for answers that appear without accompanying work. Please write your answers according to the order of the questions.

 3. (Total 30 points) Bryan Beaver is about to build his dam and lodge. There are two rivers that he can choose from: Rainbow River and Rose River. At Rainbow River, there is a 50% chance of flash flood, but the view along the river is rather plain. Whereas, at Rose River, there is a magnificent view of the rose valley, but the probability of flash flood is 75%. His value of having his dam and lodge located at both rivers are given in the following table:

【題組】(c) (15 points) When insurance is available, where will Bryan choose to build his home? [HINT: find the optimal insurance to buy for each location.]

第三題: (一)試舉兩個股票市場中的「異常現象」(market anomalies)為例,說明股市投資人 可以如何藉以獲取超額報酬。【10分】 假設宏碁電腦股票的Beta值為1.5,而台塑股票的Beta值為0.8,又已知無風險利率為5% 以 及股票市場的預期報酬率為10%。

4. John is_________ in basketball and often goes to the games.

二、In recent years, the German magazine Compact has frequently featured inflammatory rhetoric and extremism, such as “Asylbombe” (asylum bomb) and “Impf-Diktatur” (vaccine dictatorship). A couple of months ago, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, citing threats to constitutional order and social stability, banned this magazine and raided the magazine’s offices and the editor’s home in various states. This action has ignited a debate within German society regarding media freedom. Draft an official commentary on this piece of news.(25%)


4. 某一屏蔽設計使用鉛阻擋銫-137 射源,假設其衰變放出之加馬射線在鉛中的質量衰減係數為 0.12 66d91d587a7c0.jpg,鉛密度為 11.4 (g/cm3)。

【題組】(2)若不考慮增建因數,則要將穿透的輻射劑量率衰減至原來的 6.25%,需要多少公分厚的鉛塊?

3. This question concerns the dissolution of CO2 in water.

【題組】(a) (5 pts) Write down the equilibrium reactions of the dissolution processes, including Henry's equilibrium, the first dissociation, and the second dissociation.