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⑶請說明總收益與需求的價格彈性之關係。【5 分】

32. 關於函數 y = -3x +5的圖形,下列敘述何者不正確?
(B)此圖形與 y 軸交於 ( 0 ,-3 )
(D)此圖形與 x、y 軸圍成的三角形面積為

3. In a 2-D incompressible flow, the x component of velocity is given by u = 3x2 -y. On the x-axis, the y-component of velocity is given by v = 2/x. Please find the expression for v. (20%)

47. Mixcraft 有線上搜尋音效的功能。

一、海岸巡防法第 4 條第 1 項訂有海巡機關執行事項四款;惟除海洋污染防治法第 5 條 明訂海巡機關「依法辦理取締、蒐證、移送事項」外,其餘執行事項均未見明文規 定,試就對現況之瞭解申論之,並就行政機關未來可努力之方向論述之。 (25 分)

二、請申論劃設海洋保護區(Marine Protected Areas, MPAs)之重要性及原則。目前臺灣有那些海洋保護區的類型?各自的法源及劃設目的為何?(25分)

          Many Easter traditions can be traced back to long before the spread of Christianity. The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with a festival honoring their goddess of offspring and springtime, Eastre. The Easter Bunny may well have its origin in the honoring of rabbits in spring as an animal sacred to the goddess Eastre.
          The egg has long been a symbol of new life, so it’s no surprise that they are used to symbolize nature seeming to “wake up” and bring forward new life in spring. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians placed eggs on their tombs. A Roman proverb states, “All life comes from an egg.” A lot of people eat chocolate eggs at Easter, but originally eating eggs was not allowed by church leaders during the week leading up to Easter (known as Holy Week). The eggs laid that week were saved and decorated to make them Holy Week eggs, and they were then given to children as gifts. Victorians adapted the tradition with satin-covered cardboard eggs filled with Easter gifts. This has now developed into the tradition that many people enjoy today. The first chocolate eggs appeared in France and Germany in the 19th Century, but they were bitter and hard. As chocolate-making techniques improved, hollow eggs like the ones we have today were developed. They very quickly became popular and remain a favorite tradition with chocolate-lovers today.
         There were a lot of disputes between churches in the East and the West over exactly when Easter should be celebrated. To solve this problem, in 325 AD the emperor Constantine decreed that Easter should fall on Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. Accordingly, Easter became a movable festival, taking place between March 21 and April 25. For many, Easter is a holiday and an excuse to eat a lot of chocolate. For Christians, Easter is a time of reflection and celebration of the cross and all that it signifies.

【題組】2. Which of the following is true?
(A) Eastre is the name of the first Easter bunny.
(B) Easter does not fall on the same date every year.
(C) People eat chocolate eggs today to celebrate the waking up of rabbits.
(D) Christians were the first to celebrate the coming of spring.

三、試以一流程圖說明運輸計畫經濟評估作業之基本架構,並闡述經濟成本與經濟效益 之意涵。(25 分)

第四題: 一般商業銀行或專業銀行均屬於「非公務機關」,銀行與客戶往來,蒐集很多個人資料, 請就下列情況,依個資法回答銀行的因應方式及作為:

【題組】(二)銀行利用個人資料行銷時,若當事人表示拒絕接受行銷,應如何處理?【4 分】