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2. DNA is an important genetic material in the cell and interacts with various proteins.

【題組】 (1) What is the charge of DNA? Why? (4%)

(B)油泵、控制閥、作動油壓缸之磨 損

一、某研究人員將兩番茄品系雜交後,其後代擬利用譜系選種法(pedigree method)與混合育種法(bulk method)進行產量選拔,請比較此兩種育 種程序。(20 分)

四、我國所制定之「國光體育獎章及獎助學金頒發辦法」,引起諸多之爭議,試就民主 思想觀點說明其優缺點及改進方法。(25 分)

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 
        College classrooms are often drab and dreary places. Walls are painted a variation of “institutional gray”; furniture is easy to clean, but uncomfortable and unattractive. Chairs are lined up in straight rows facing the teacher’s desk or lectern. In one study, over 80% of university students rated their classrooms negatively, describing them as ugly, cramped, stuffy, and uncomfortable. The research by environmental psychologists is beginning to show that unattractive classrooms are not only unappealing; they may also adversely affect academic performance. 
       A more carefully controlled study of classroom environments was conducted a few years ago. The researchers selected two identical classrooms located side by side in the psychology building. The control classroom, which they called the “sterile classroom,” had white walls, a gray carpet, and rows of plastic desks. Besides, an alcohol-based beautiful hand sanitizer was placed in the room for students to use. The experimental classroom, which they called the “friendly classroom,” was redecorated with the help of a design consultant. Several walls were painted bright colors, art posters hung on the walls, large plants added to the room, and colorful Chinese kites hung from the ceiling. In addition to traditional desks, a part of the room was outfitted with area rugs, color-coordinated cushions, and wooden cubes to provide nontraditional seating. 
     The researchers investigated how these two different environments affected performance in actual college classes. Two professors teaching introductory psychology agreed to participate in the study although they were not informed of the purpose of the research. When school began, each class was randomly assigned to one of the two rooms. Halfway through the term, the classes switched rooms. Thus, students in both classes spent half the term in the control room and half in the experimental room. Students were not told they were being studied; the switch in rooms was explained as occurring because the original room was needed for videotaping. The most striking finding from this study was that students performed significantly better on regular course exams when they were in the friendly rather than the sterile room.

【題組】18 We can conclude from the passage that the two professors might have guessed the purpose of the study they were in because__________    .
(A) they had read about the interests of the researchers
(B) one of the two rooms they taught in was decorated unusually
(C) research assistants gave them hints about the purpose of the study
(D) the study was carried out many times before they participated in this study

35.甲對乙負債,丙表示願代替甲清償,雖經甲嚴正拒絕,但乙卻私下收受丙之還款。依民法規定,有關當事人間法律關係之 敘述,下列何者正確?
(D)乙之受領給付, 對甲不生效力


一、 以 R32 冷媒的壓焓(P-h)圖,假設一個理想冷凍循環,其冷凝 與蒸發溫度分別為 40℃及 10℃;5d8b29d75598d.jpg

【題組】(二)如壓縮機之等熵效率為 90%,COP 為何?(10 分)

26.—機器所生產的螺絲不良率為0.1,若隨機抽取10個,設不良品的個數為隨機變數X,則X 的機率分

54. 下列有關貪腐的敘述何者錯誤?
(C) 貪腐會破壞倫理道德與正義