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三、臺灣歷經三波教育改革對學校體育課程實施產生何種重大影響,請試述之。 (25分)

The Lytton Report (4 September 1932)
Without declaration of war, a large area of what was indisputably Chinese territory has been forcibly seized and occupied by the armed forces of Japan and has, in consequence of this operation, been separated from and declared independent of the rest of China. The steps by which this was accomplished are claimed by Japan to have been consistent with the obligations of the Covenant of the League of Nations, the Kellogg–Briand Pact and the Nine-Power Treaty of Washington, all of which were designed to prevent action of this kind … The justification has been that all the military operations have been legitimate acts of self-defence, the right of which is implicit in all the multilateral treaties mentioned above, and was not taken away by any of the resolutions of the Council of the League. Further, the administration which has been substituted for that of China in Manchuria is justified on the grounds that its establishment was the act of the local population, who spontaneously asserted their independence, severed all connection with China and established their own government. Such a genuine independence movement, it is claimed, is not prohibited by any international treaty or by any of the resolutions of the Council of the League of Nations.
[Source: The Lytton Report (4 September 1932). Copyright United Nations Archives at Geneva.]
Chokyuro Kadono, a leading Japanese businessman and commentator,who had significant interests in Manchuria and China, writing in the article“A Businessman’s View of the Lytton Report” in the Japanese magazine GaikoJiho (November 1932).
As has been officially declared by the Imperial Government more than once, Japan has no territorial ambitions in Manchuria. Japan has given formal recognition to Manchuria as an independent state [Manchukuo], assuring it full opportunity for growth and organization ... At the same time, Japan hopes thereby to rescue Manchukuo from the destruction caused by China’s internal disorders and give it opportunity to attain free development, so that it may be able to play its part in easing the world’s economic difficulty by offering a very safe and valuable market in the Far East. This aspect of Japan’s policy should have been quite clear to the Lytton Commission. But unfortunately, the Lytton Report makes an altogether inadequate estimate of Manchuria’s economic value, and entirely fails to do justice to the previously mentioned motive of Japan in recognizing Manchukuo … Japan is fully prepared, in view of the position she rightly occupies among the nations of the world, to do her best to support China in her work of unification and reconstruction to the end that peace may thereby be assured in the Far East. This aspect of Japan’s policy should have been quite clear to the Lytton Commission.
 [Source: adapted from A businessman’s view of the Lytton Report, Chokiuro Kadono, published in The Herald of Asia,Tokyo October 1932]
Bernard Partridge, a cartoonist, depicts the response of the League of Nations to the Manchurian crisis in the cartoon “The Command Courteous” for the British magazine Punch (12 October 1932).664da5f2a3a48.jpg [Source: Bernard Partridge, The Command Courteous, © National Portrait Gallery, London.]

【題組】 (1) 根據上述資料,請問此歷史事件為?(2%)

32. 油水分離器之入口管上必須裝
(D)門型閥 以 免造成逆流。 

四、傳統犯罪學理論對於某些犯罪現象無法提供令人滿意的解釋,而犯罪理論的整合 將有助於提供犯罪人更完整的處遇。請說明 Thornberry 所提出的互動犯罪理論 (Interaction Theory of Delinquency)主要的論述及其對觀護工作所帶來的啟示。(30 分)


4. 下列哪一種統計圖適合用來呈現年齡與血壓之間的關係?
(A) 圓餅圖
(B) 直方圖
(C) 散佈圖
(D) 枝葉圖

一、如下所示之流線網圖,假設壩體為不透水,壩體下方土壤之滲透係數為 3.5×10-4 cm/s。

【題組】⑵試求 a、b、c、d 及 e 點之上揚壓力(uplift pressure),答案以 kN/m3 表示。(15 分)