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6. 為了防止員工利用供應商以未授權方式將資金轉予自己,可利用下列哪些相同 元素進行舞弊之查核?1.地址 2.電話號碼 3.EIN 4.銀行帳戶 5.緊急聯絡地址 6.SNAP
(A) 地址、電話號碼
(B) EIN、銀行帳戶、緊急聯絡地址
(C) 地址、電話號碼、緊急聯絡地址、SNAP
(D) 地址、電話號碼、EIN、銀行帳戶、緊急聯絡地址
(E) 以上皆是

3. Please explain

【題組】 (1) Bouguer anomaly

15. 銲接位置中最難操作的是

※ [67~68]다음을 읽고 물음에 답하십시오.
얼마 전 인주시에서는 사용하지 않는 기찻길 주변을 공원으로 
만들었습니다.사람들은 공원을 산책하거나 기찻길을 따라 걸으면서 
찍습니다.기찻길 옆에는 오래된 기차를 고쳐서 만든 카페가 하나 
그 카페 안에는 ( ㉠ )많이 있습니다.그래서 그 카페에 들어가면 옛날
분위기를 느낄 수 있습니다.

【題組】68. 이 글의 내용과 같은 것을 고르십시오.
(A) 기찻길에 아직도 기차가 다닙니다.
(B) 기찻길 주변이 공원으로 바뀌었습니다.
(C) 기찻길 위에서 사진을 찍으면 안 됩니다.
(D) 기찻길 옆에 기차 모양의 카페가 많습니다.

25 下列何者不屬於「以區域為基礎的管理工具」(Area-Based Management Tools)之範疇?


The following excerpt came from Mary Reige Laner 2000 "Courtship" (Pp. 483-90 in Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by E. F. Borgatta and R. J. V. Montgomery. New York: Macmillan Reference USA). Please read carefully and answer the question (either in Chinese or in English) at the end of the excerpt.
 Contemporary courtship, marked as it is by freedom of choice, has been likened to a market in which the buyer must be wary and in which there is no necessary truth in advertising. Persons compete, given their own assets, for the best marital "catch" or the most status-conferring date. Waller and Hill (1951) warned about the potential for exploitation in both casual and serious courtship and indeed, critics of conventional dating have decried it as a sexist bargaining arrangement in which men are exploited for money and women for sexual favors. The superficiality of dating, its commercialization, the deceit involved (given contradictory motives), and the high levels of anxiety provoked by fears of rejection (especially in men), are additional drawbacks. Since status differentials still characterize the sexes, dating may also be seen as a contest in which a struggle for power and control between partners is part of the game. Thus, courtship's emphasis on individualism, freedom, commercialism, competitive spirit, and success reflects the larger social system within which it functions. One may well ask whether such a system can prepare participants for marriage which, unlike courtship, requires cooperation and compromise for its successful survival. Efforts to predict who marries whom and why, to delineate the courtship process itself, or both, have interested a number of scholars. Based on a large body of theoretical and empirical work, Adams (1979) developed a propositional theory to explain how courtship moves from initial acquaintance toward (or away from) marriage in an achievement- oriented society. The propositions, in slightly modified language, are as follows:

【題組】10. The more the partners' personalities are similar, the more likely that the relationship will progress to a deeper level of attraction.

50. 步進馬達為以脈衝訊號進行驅動的數位式電動機,所以另有名稱為?