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42 下列何對腦神經受侵犯產生病變時,不會發生複視之症狀?

39.The tryptophan operon of E.coli is repressed by tryptophan added to the growth medium. The tryptophan repr
(A) binds to RNA polymerase when tryptophan is present.
(B) binds to the trp operator in the absence of tryptophan.
(C) binds to the trp operator in the presence of tryptophan.
(D) is a DNA sequence.
(E) is an attenuator.

II. Cloze test 20% (Choose the only ONE answer that best fits the context of each question below)
 The United States government is composed of three major sections. It is based on the Constitution of the United States of America that was __21__ in May, 1789. The three parts of the U.S. Government are the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Each branch works independently __22__ the other two, and each has its own responsibilities. This system is __23__ to ensure that no branch can carry more power than the other. This is called the separation of powers,__24__ was written into the Constitution. The executive branch is the branch that most Americans are familiar __25__. It includes the president of the United States, the vice-president, and the cabinet. The president is the leader of the country and is the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. The vice-president is second-in-command, and will __26__ president if the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office. The cabinet acts as agents of the U.S. President, and carry out the duties they are __27__ with. The legislative branch of government __28__ the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Together they form the congress, which can levy and collect taxes, mint money, and establish federal courts. It can also declare war, and raise and support the army, navy, and air force to protect the country. The House of Representatives has 435 members, and the Senate consists of 100 senators, __29__ two from each of the states. Any legislation, or new law, must be approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The judicial branch is entrusted to apply the laws created by the legislative branch of government. It has the power to create lower courts under the Supreme Court of the United States. It works closely **30** state courts, although they are separate.

(A) to
(B) in
(C) with
(D) for


四、丙公司於第 1 年初給與 400 位員工每人 1,000 單位之股票增值權,以員工繼續服務三 年為條件,才能行使權利。自可行使之日起滿三年增值權失效。第 1 年有 20 位員工 離職,且估計第 2、3 年將有 53 位員工離職。第 2 年有 40 位員工離職,且估計第 3 年將有 25 位員工離職。第 3 年實際僅 11 位員工離職。丙公司於每年年底均估計股 票增值權之公允價值。所有在職員工於第 3 年底持有之股票增值權均既得。 丙公司股票增值權於每年年底之公允價值及第 3 年底至第 5 年底執行時之內含價值 及執行人數資料如下: 試作:丙公司第 1 年至第 5 年與股票增值權相關之分錄。(24 分)

四、對於軌道列車電動式自動車門,有那些基本元件?並請說明列車自動車 門應有之各項基本自動及保護功能。(25 分)

23. 與相同馬力之液體冷卻引擎比較,下列有關氣體冷卻引擎優點的敘述何者錯誤?
(A) 製作成本低
(B) 保養簡單
(C) 重量較輕
(D) 引擎散熱較佳

20. Flutter 是一種 App 開發架構,請問它使用哪一種程式語言?
(A) Dart
(B) Java
(C) Objective-C
(D) Go。