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4. 實木剖面以 45°徒手線表示木材之

三、試述何謂需求反應式公共運輸服務(Demand Responsive Transit Service, DRTS)?執行上面臨那些困境課題?如何有效因應 與推動?

【提示】 亞馬遜網路商店創辦人兼執行長JeffBezos為普林斯頓大學2010年畢時說:
今天我想告訴你們的是天賦和選擇的差吴。聰明是一項天賦,善良是一種選擇; 天賦輕易就能獲得一一畢竟它與生俱來,選擇則非易事。如果不小心,你將會因天 賦而誤入歧途,如果遇上這種情況,或許會對你的選擇造成損害。 在座各位擁有許多天賦,我確信你們的天賦之一就是聰明而卓越的頭腦。我十分確 信這一點,因為入學競争十分激烈,如果你們不曾展現智慧,招生處主任不會允許 你們入學。
我想大膽做個預測:當你們8歲時,在某個安静的自省時刻,獨自對自己陳述你 最私密的人生故事,其中最充實、最有意義的片段將是你所做的種種决定。最終, 我們的選擇塑造了我們本身。為自己創造一個精彩的故事。(節錄) 閣讀上文,請以「天賦與選擇」為題,作文一篇,申論己見。請勿抄襲提示文句 而缺乏己見,或寫成八十歲的回顧。


四、表面波(surface wave)是地震研究的重要震波之一,要計算表面波的群速(group velocity)經常利用高斯濾波器(Gaussian filter)來進行時頻分析(Time-Frequency analysis),請回答下列問題:

【題組】 (一)何謂時頻分析?(3 分)

四、試繪圖說明文氏管(Venturi tube)的結構、作用原理及其於水產養殖之 應用。(25 分)

三、Translate the following terms (from English to Chinese, from Chinese to English) and briefly explain their meanings in English.(30 分)

【題組】(三) Supply chain disruption

Questions 181~185 refer to the following emails.
Subject: Offer of Employment for Industrial Designer Position

Dear Richard,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been offered the position of Industrial Designer at our company. Your impressive portfolio and exceptional performance during the interview process has earned you this opportunity, despite the lack of practical experience.

We were impressed by your creativity, attention to detail, and your ability to articulate your design concepts during the second interview. We believe you will make a valuable contribution to our team, and we are excited to have you on board.

Your first day of work will be on the 1st of next month at our company headquarters. Please find attached a temporary access pass which you will need to print and bring with you on the day. Additionally, please remember to bring your graduation certificate with you as well.

We believe you will excel in this role and we look forward to working with you. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

HR Manager

Subject: Re: Offer of Employment for Industrial Designer Position

Dear HR Manager,

Thank you for your email offering me the position of Industrial Designer at your company. I am honored to receive this offer, and I appreciate the confidence you have shown in my abilities. 

After careful consideration, I have decided to decline the offer. I would like to take this opportunity to explain my decision.

Firstly, I have received another offer that aligns more closely with my career goals and personal interests. I believe this opportunity will provide me with a better platform to develop my skills and advance my career.

Secondly, I have some personal commitments that require my attention and will not allow me to dedicate my full focus to this role. I would not want to join the company and not be able to give my best efforts. 

Lastly, I have realized that the company's location is not convenient for me, and the daily commute would take up a significant portion of my time. As much as I appreciate the opportunity to work with your team, I have to make a choice that will enable me to balance work and personal commitments effectively.

I would like to thank you and the company for the time and effort invested in the recruitment process, and I apologize for any inconvenience my decision may have caused. Please convey my gratitude to the hiring manager and the team for their consideration.

Thank you once again for the opportunity, and I wish you and the team all the best.



【題組】185. Which of the following is NOT the reason Richard declined the job offer?
(A)Richard received another offer that aligns more closely with his career goals and personal interests.
(B)Richard has personal commitments that require his attention and will not allow him to dedicate his full focus to this role.
(C) Richard realized that the company's location is not convenient for him, and the daily commute would take up a significant portion of his time.
(D)Richard declined the offer because he is not interested in working with some of the company's team members.

1. 天然氣及液化石油氣為台灣地區家庭常用之燃料,請比較或說明其化學成分、燃燒範圍、理論空氣量、蒸氣密度以及燃燒熱等理化性,依此討論您認為液化石油氣及天然氣何者較具危險性,並敘明其理由。

三、何謂「犯罪地理資訊系統」?此系統應用在犯罪預防上有何功能性?試分述之。(25 分)


【題組】 (c) IACS,