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一、就營養需求的觀點來看,魚類飼料與畜產飼料有何主要差異?(25 分)

四、請討論團體決策與個人決策的優、缺點。(25 分)

6. 植物光合作用中,氧氣(O2 )從何種分子裂解產生?
(A) 水(H2O)
(B) 二氧化碳(CO2 )
(C) 葡萄糖(C6H12O6 )
(D) 過氧化氫(H2O2 )

 下面16-20题為單選題,每题1分,總分5分。答錯或未作答者該題以0分計 考慮函數 61f0b25d4525d.jpg(R代表實数所成之集合)及Laplace轉换 61f0b28f0641a.jpg,定義為: 61f0b2d4f1420.jpg 以下第16题到20题,我們令F(s)=L(f(t))。


一、礦場災變時若有電擊、瓦斯突出或氣體事故傷害等導致有人員休克窒息時,在專業 醫療救護到達之前,應該先施予什麼緊急救護?施行這個緊急救護的細節如何? (25 分)

49. 下圖為 5dee354ccf9ea.jpg
(D)電容器。 108 飛機修護 乙 4-3(序 001)

20. 下列何者屬專利法所稱之實施行為: a.製造該物品;b.向各大商店或 消費者販賣該物品;c.使用該物品;d.出口該物品至其它國家?


9. 如下圖,設拋物線 phpoYC16o上的動點P對圓O作切線時,可得兩條切線且其與 y軸交於B、C兩點,已知圓O在△PBC的內部,試問△PBC面積的最小值等於_____ 。phpuIrbpu

第四节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的ABCD四个选项中,选出合适填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困),and only the rich could manage without great _26_. Three of those rich men and their servants were_27_together on a road when they came to a very_28_village. The first could not stand seeing the poverty, _29 he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared _30 out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left. The second rich man ,seeing the _31 situation, stopped for a short time and gave _32 all his food and drink, since he _33 see that money would be of little _34 to them. He made sure that they each _35 their fair share and would have enough food to _36 for some time . Then, he left. The third rich man, on seeing such poverty, _37 and went straight through the _38 without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other_39 the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was _40 that they themselves had been there to offer help. However, three days later, they 41 the third rich man ,who was coming in the opposite direction . He was 42 travelling quickly, but his wagons, 43 the gold and valuables they had been 44 ,were now full of farming tools and bags of 45 .He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.
(B)instead of
(C)apart from
(D)along with