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                                                                 Article 1 
 (Source: Kwong, HK. 2018. Enhanced Antioxidant Activity of Chenopodium formosanum Koidz. Using Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation. Master thesis. Institute of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University)         Djulis (Chenopodium formosanun Koidz.) is a traditional crop from the same genus as quinoa (Chenopodiun quinoa), and it is cultivated and consumed as food or wine starter in Taiwan. Reports showed that Djulis exhibits bencficial effects on antinflammation, antidiabetes, antioxidation, and immune regulation. In this study, different probiotics commonly used in the production of fermented dairy products were inoculated independently for Chenopodium formosanum Koidz. fermentation. The strain with the highest antioxidant activity was selected and fermentation process was optimized by using response surface methodology (RSM). Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697 was chosen due to the increased phenolic compounds, DPPH (from 72.6% to 93.2%), and ABTS (from 64.2% to 76.9%) free radical scavenging ability compared to that of other lactic acid bacteria. After applying RSM, the optimal initial fermentation pH, agitation speed, and temperature with highest antioxidant activity (73.5% of DPPH and 93.8% of ABTS) were recognized as pH 5.55, 104 rpin, and 24.4C. Phenolic compounds, DPPH, and ABTS free radical scavenging ability increased significantly during the fermentation process (p < 0.05). The ICso of the DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging ability were 0.33 and 2.35±0.32 mgml, and both protease and tannase activities increased after RSM. An increase of protein hydrolysates with lower molecular weight (<24 kDa) were also observed. further

【題組】6. Which factor is not included for RSM analysis in this study?
(A) pH,
(B) agitation,
(C) turnover rate,
(D) temperature.

(A) 15 分鐘
(B) 30 分鐘
(C) 1 小時
(D) 2 小時

23 出版社將樣書送請國家圖書館先行編目,再將編目資料印在書上,這種資料稱為:

二、Z 世代(Generation Z)已陸續進入職場,請說明 Z 世代的主要特徵與價值觀如何,而這些價值觀對於職場勞資關係的影響為何?(25 分)


【題組】 1. 何謂綠建材?(12 分)

六、在動物福利管理措施中,請就蛋雞福利籠有何設施及用途可讓其表現自 然行為?(6 分)



14. 在工業管理製造或生產過程所發生的失敗成本稱之為何?
(A) 內部失敗 成本(Internal Failure Costs)
(B)外部失敗成本(External Failure Costs)
(C) 鑑定成本(Appraisal Costs)
(D)預防性成本(Prevention Costs)。