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179 เมอขรถจกรยานยนต,มาถงบรเวณปากทางแยก หากสญญาณไฟจราจร เปลยนจากไฟแดงเปนไฟเขยว ทาให’เกดอารมณ,อยากพงทยานไปข’าง หน’าน- นอนตรายทสด ดงน-นเมอเหนสญญาณไฟเปลยนเปนไฟเขยว กไม ต’องรบออกรถ ควรออกตวช’าๆ หนหน’าด8เสยกอนจากน-นคอยเดนหน’าตอ อยางนมนวล

4. 下列關於明度之敘述,何者為非?
(A)我們感受物體色彩的明度,是與物體表面的 反射率有關
(C)反射光量較多,色彩感覺較亮,明度 較高

3、2009 年末,澳洲開始啟動升息循環,而中國也陸續調升存款準備率,美國也準備將 2008 年金融風 暴的救市政策逐步展開退場機制。請你分析一個國際資本移動程度大的小型開放經濟體,在面對國 際經濟的緊縮貨幣政策下,該小國的產出、利率、匯率、國際收支會有怎樣變化。(10 分)

34.某生到某地旅遊,寫道:「這是一個大社區,包含 三 個 里 , 是 農 村 也 是 漁 村 , 據 說 早 期 還 曾 經 是 鹽 村。進 入 這 個 社 區 映 入 眼 簾 的,除 了 房 舍 外,就 是 附 在 屋 外 的 剝 蚵 棚 , 簡 單 搭 建 的 剝 蚵 棚 裡 , 手 腳 俐 落 的 居 民 熟 練 地 將 蚵 殼 剝 開 挑 出 牡 蠣 。 」 該 生 旅 遊 的 地 點 , 最 可 能 出 現 下 列 哪 些 字 的 地 名 ?
(A)坑 、 窩
(B)湖 、 洋
(C)塭 、 崙
(D)崎 、 崠

題目四: 關於利率,請回答下列問題:

【題組】 (一)若某銀行牌告年利率為 6%,若以三個月複利一次計息,則實際的年報酬率為何? (用%表示,計算至小數點後第二位)【5 分】

11. 引擎潤滑系統的機油泵油壓洩放閥彈簧換成彈力較強的,其結果會
(B)增加 機油潤滑油壓及機油壓力錶讀數

10. 高跟鞋使用鐵心的質量以_____為佳。

一、日本語の連濁に関する規則について具体的な例を挙げて述べなさい。 (20%)

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
       I kept coming across “the vagus nerve” in relation to deep breathing and mental calmness: in the newbook Yang Sheng: The Art of Chinese Self-Healing, a Harvard Health blog post, and many other recentpublications. It sounded as if we had something like a secret piano key, under our skin, to press internally tocalm us down.
        In reality, the vagus nerve is not a single inner cord, stretching from the head to the stomach; it is asquiggly, shaggy, branching nerve connecting most of the major organs between the brain and colon, like asystem of roots or cables. It is the longest nerve in the body, and technically it comes as a pair of two vagusnerves, one for the right side of the body and one for the left. It’s called “vagus” because it wanders, like avagrant, among the organs. The vagus nerve has been described as “largely responsible for the mind-bodyconnection,” for its role as a mediator between thinking and feeling, and I’m tempted to think of it as somethinglike a physical manifestation of the soul.
        “Stimulating the vagus nerve to the heart has a really powerful effect on slowing the heart rate,” said LucyNorcliffe-Kaufmann, associate professor of neurology at NYU-Langone. And this, specifically, is what relaxesus. The vagus nerve is basically listening to the way we breathe, and it sends the brain and the heart whatevermessage our breath indicates. Breathing slowly, for instance, reduces the oxygen demands of the heart muscle,and our heart rate drops.
          I was surprised by the idea that it’s specifically the exhale that triggers the relaxation response, butNorcliffe-Kaufmann confirmed: “Vagal activity is highest, and heart rate lowest, when you’re exhaling.” Shementioned that the ideal, most calming way to breathe is six times a minute: five seconds in, five seconds out.She also noted that in the study that determined this rate, researchers found that this style of slow breathing isalso what practitioners naturally lapse into during meditation with mantras, and during the Ave Maria prayerwith rosaries. “Each time you do either the rosary prayer or a meditation mantra,” Norcliffe-Kaufmann said,“it naturally synchronizes your breathing at six times per minute.” Some other practices believed to improvevagal tone include laughing, singing, humming, yoga, acupuncture, and splashing the face with cold water —or having a full-body cold rinse.
        “If you’re in a stressful situation,” Norcliffe-Kaufmann said, “and when you’re like, How do I respond,how do I respond? — Just consciously slow down your breathing for one minute, or even a few seconds, youcan put yourself in a calmer state, and be able to better communicate.”

【題組】20 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The vagus nerve is a single inner cord, stretching from the head to the stomach.
(B) Stimulating the vagus nerve to the heart has a really powerful effect on raising the heart rate.
(C) Breathing slowly reduces the oxygen demands of the heart muscle, and our heart rate drops.
(D) The vagus nerve contributes little to the mind-body connection.