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9 當領隊發現當地導遊安排的行程內容與公司給旅客的規劃行程不符時,下列何者處理方式較為正確?

5. 在生命科学发展过程中,证明DNA是遗传物质的实脸是 ①孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验 ②摩尔根的果蝇杂交实脸 ③肺炎双球菌转化实验 ④T2噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌实验 ⑤ DNA的X光衍射实脸

一、產險業的管理階層所面臨的主要行銷問題有那些?請詳述之。(25 分)

36. 雇主設置之固定梯之規定,下列何者錯誤?

三、 瀝青混凝土路面和水泥混凝土路面之材料有何不同?此兩種 路面各有何優缺點? (20 分)

三、 配合題,請在右側答案區中選出最佳答案(10%,@1),請在答案卷上作答 第1~5題,根據以下功能說明,找出對應的OSI模型層級

【題組】 1. 負責協調及建立傳輸雙方的連線


第一題: 如【圖一】所示,在 x-y 平面上,有一垂直集中力 Po=90(kN)作用於座標點(5m,-5m),一 強度為 qo=2(kN/m2 )之均佈載重作用於 8m×10m 的矩形範圍內,再加上一個 x-方向上之力矩 Mo=1200 (kN-m),請計算出合力大小及其作用位置座標。【25 分】.5f55ed76b8759.jpg

三、試說明何以矮籬或低矮之植生對風蝕之控制有效。(20 分)

   The body works like an automatic furnace, which heats up and cools down to maintain a constant temperature. When it puts out a lot more or a lot less heat than usual, the body may be trying to tell you there is a problem. It is when we go to a doctor or a pharmacist.
   For more than 100 years, 98.6℉ has been considered the norm al hum an body tem perature. B ut recently, a Stanford University research study, based on some 677,000 temperature readings collected from 190,000 people, points out that from 1862 to 2017, the human body temperature fell by 0.054℉ and 0.052℉ per decade for m ales and fem ales, respectively.
   The change in average height and weight is the possible explanation for some of the decline, because nowadays people have better nutrition, medical service, and public health. Most importantly, the effective use of antibiotics and vaccines control many of the inflammatory conditions that can drive up body temperature. The function of inflammation is to eliminate the cause of cell injury and initiate tissue repair. Besides, when people are ill, they usually take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and statins to fight inflammation, therefore preventing the body from heating up.
   The findings suggest doctors should practice more personalized temperature readings that take all the things that affect body temperature into consideration, such as height, weight, age, time of day and outside temperature.

【題組】37. What is the meaning of the underlined word “initiate” in paragraph 3?
(A) To cause something to become worse
(B) To cause something to begin
(C) To cause something to decline
(D) To cause something to disappear
(E) To cause something to stop