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8. 分析自來水臭度之樣品,以初嗅數(Threshold odor number, TON)法分析時,不含樣品 稀釋人員,尚需幾位檢測員?


【題組】(b) What are the initial conditions? (5%)

1.眼鏡原理 近視眼是遠處物體成像在視網膜前,遠視眼是遠處物體成像在視網膜後,如下圖所示。遠點定義為眼球未調節前,成像在視網膜上之共軛物點(在物方之物點)。


For problems 5~8, consider a multi-level memory management scheme using paging with 32-bit page table entries, 46-bit virtual addresses, and a page size of 8 KByte.

7. Suppose that cach individual page table, at cach level, must fit in a single page frame and that a particular process uses only 2 GBytes of virtual memory. How many individual page tables, at bottomn most level, will be required to translate this process' address space?
(A) 26
(B) 27
(D) 61666c6fcea13.jpg
(E) 61666c8e0d1fa.jpg


抗疫先鋒台大生機系陳教授開發一種可以一對一吸附病毒(V)的奈米顆粒(P),它跟病毒之間的結合有 如下的關係:61679b2af25d3.jpg
此處,k應為[(1)association;bonding;dissociationconstant,k的單位為[(2)concentrationmasstemperature; pressure;volume],k與兩者間的 affinity呈[(3)insignificant, negative; positive; significant ] correlation。
英明的陳教授於是將此神奇奈米顆粒喷在口罩上形成抗菌薄膜,並预測此抗菌薄膜與薄膜附近的病毒 濃度合乎Langmuir adsorptionsotherm的關係:
61679ba43ee60.jpg 此處,γ是口罩上的奈米顆粒與病毒結合的比例。A 同學分析不同口罩上的γ與口罩旁的病毒濃度 (Particle/m3),得到如下圖關係。
61679bffd5127.jpg由圖可知,口罩若長期暴露在一定濃度的病毒下,γ值會[(4)decrease;hold constantincrease]到 (5)deprivation; threshold; saturation]。為了證明陳教授 Langmuir adsorptionisotherm 的推測,B同學則用γ倒數與病毒濃度倒數作圖,得到完美的直線。

61679c7b3d29c.jpg 依上圖可得知,此奈米顆粒的k值為__(6)__,單位為__(7)__。
在醫院使用 24小時之後,γ值變成0.2,此時口罩附近的病毒濃度為(8)(Particle/m3)。


一、有關法理學之研究方法,有自然法學理論及利益法學理論等各家學說, 請就下列三個問題,選擇二個問題詳細回答之(每題各占 50 分) :


一、病人常規性使用藥品 warfarin 時,若需使用下列藥品產生交互作用時,請說明交互 作用機轉及處理方式:

【題組】 ⑴ Cimetidine(5 分)

8. (10%) Consider a 500-node binary heap, whose array representation is stored in Arr. Let p be a node in the binary heap. Further assume that u is p's child node and u's key is stored at Arr[305].

【題組】 a. (5%) How to find p's key in Arr?

18 . 黑 白 軟 片 和 彩 色 軟 片 是 利 用 會 感 光 的 何 種 物 質 做 成
(A)銀 鹽
(B) 錳
(C)鎂 粉
(D)矽 。

The following excerpt came from Mary Reige Laner 2000 "Courtship" (Pp. 483-90 in Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by E. F. Borgatta and R. J. V. Montgomery. New York: Macmillan Reference USA). Please read carefully and answer the question (either in Chinese or in English) at the end of the excerpt.
 Contemporary courtship, marked as it is by freedom of choice, has been likened to a market in which the buyer must be wary and in which there is no necessary truth in advertising. Persons compete, given their own assets, for the best marital "catch" or the most status-conferring date. Waller and Hill (1951) warned about the potential for exploitation in both casual and serious courtship and indeed, critics of conventional dating have decried it as a sexist bargaining arrangement in which men are exploited for money and women for sexual favors. The superficiality of dating, its commercialization, the deceit involved (given contradictory motives), and the high levels of anxiety provoked by fears of rejection (especially in men), are additional drawbacks. Since status differentials still characterize the sexes, dating may also be seen as a contest in which a struggle for power and control between partners is part of the game. Thus, courtship's emphasis on individualism, freedom, commercialism, competitive spirit, and success reflects the larger social system within which it functions. One may well ask whether such a system can prepare participants for marriage which, unlike courtship, requires cooperation and compromise for its successful survival. Efforts to predict who marries whom and why, to delineate the courtship process itself, or both, have interested a number of scholars. Based on a large body of theoretical and empirical work, Adams (1979) developed a propositional theory to explain how courtship moves from initial acquaintance toward (or away from) marriage in an achievement- oriented society. The propositions, in slightly modified language, are as follows:

【題組】7. The better the rapport between the partners, the more likely the relationship will be perpetuated beyond the early attraction stage.