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49 至 52 題為題組
 Margaret Thatcher, who has died aged 87, was a political phenomenon. She was the first woman elected to lead a major western power; the longest serving British prime minister for 150 years; the most dominant and the most divisive force in British politics in the second half of the th 20 century. She was also a global figure, a star in the U.S., a heroine in the former Soviet republics of central Europe, a point of reference for politicians in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. In Britain, the Thatcher years were a turning point. In the 1979 general election, Thatcher was the first, and the only so far, woman to become British prime minister. She was an advocate of privatizing state-owned industries, reforming trade unions, lowering taxes and reducing the government’s expenses. Thatcher’s policies succeeded in reducing inflation, but unemployment dramatically increased during her years in power. In foreign affairs, victory in the Falklands War in 1982 helped Thatcher win a landslide victory in the 1983 general election. Besides, Thatcher cultivated a close political and personal relationship with U.S. president Ronald Reagan, because they shared a common mistrust of communism and strong confidence in free-market economy. Thatcher also warmly welcomed the rise of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and she was nicknamed the “Iron Lady” by the Soviets. In the 1987 general election, Thatcher won an unprecedented third term in office. But controversial policies, including the poll tax and her opposition to any closer integration with Europe, produced divisions within the Conservative Party which led to a leadership challenge by some people who did not agree to her policies. In November 1990, she agreed to resign from party leader and prime minister, replaced by John Major. She retired from public life after a stroke in 2002 and suffered several strokes after that. She died of a stroke on April 8, 2013.

【題組】51. Which one of the following is Thatcher’s contribution?
(A) Building intimate relations with other European countries.
(B) Helping the government spend less money.
(C) Establishing many national companies.
(D) Reducing unemployment rate.

       As COVID-19 is transmitted via person-to-person contact, stroke patients undergoing outpatient rehabilitation therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic have an increased risk of infection, as contact with other people often cannot be avoided on the way to and from the hospital. As the frequeney of contact increases, the probability of becoming infected with COVID-19 also increases. The first 6 months after a stroke is a crucial period for recovery, and subacute stroke patients with disabilities regularly undergo rehabilitation therapy at a hospital, which means that these patients have a higher risk of COVID-19. Here, we suggest the utilization of telerehabilitation for stroke patients to reduce their risk of infection.
        Telerehabilitation refers to "providing rehabilitation service using electronic con munication technologies"3. As such, rehabilitation therapy could be implemented remotely without the physician and patient meeting in person. While there are many rehabilitation therapy methods and programs based on telerehabilitation, they typically involve the medical staff checking the patient's condition, showing rehabilitation therapy examples to the patient or their guardian, and using photographs or videos to demonstrate how rehabilitation therapy should be performed. Motor, language, and cognitive functions can be assessed by video or by using specially designed programs. 
       Many studies have analyzed the efiectiveness of telerehabilitation, with the majority reporting that telerehabilitation is comparable to in-clinic rehabilitation in terms of improving motor, language, and cognitive functions. In 2019, Cramer et al.: compared the effectiveness of home-based rehabilitation for stroke patients using telcmedicine (62 patients) to that of in-clinic rehabilitation (62 patients). A total of 36 therapy sessions (70 minutes cach) were designed to improve arm motor function. In this study, both therapy groups displayed significant improvements in arm motor function, showing that telerehabilitation was as effective as in-clinic rehabilitation.
       Furthermore, over 50% of stroke patients have depression or anxiety.4 Such psychological problemns could be exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, because patients are isolated from the wider community. Drug therapy and counseling must be provided to these patients. With telerehabilitation, patients can receive prescriptions for medication and counseling for psychological stabilization without visiting the hospital. The effectiveness of counseling by telemedicine has been demonstrated in many previous studies5. Such a service could significantly improve the mental health of stroke patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

【題組】(2) 本篇文章中提到,Telerehabilitation 有什麼效果(10%)?

6. 下列哪一項是採用自我教導(self-instruction)策略的正確程序?

(A) 中古車輛買賣業應列為追查贓物主要查察對象
(B) 金飾珠寶業應列為追查贓物主要查察對象
(C) 依犯罪嫌疑人之供述追查贓物,不得帶同犯罪嫌疑人查證
(D) 扣押物保管單應隨案移送檢察官或法官。


二、針對圖一的主旋翼分別旋轉至 A、B、C、D 等四個位置:5d2956d17993a.jpg

【題組】 ⑴說明該四個位置的攻角(attack angle)的不同之處。(10 分)

三、當一物體進行圓周運動時,請說明離心力 P 與物體質量 m、旋轉半徑 R 及運動速度 V 之關係。(10 分)

一、民法第 195 條第 1 項後段規定:「其名譽被侵害者,並得請求回復名譽 之適當處分。」民事法院如有判決根據該規定,以判決命加害人道歉, 作為「回復名譽之適當處分」 ,其可能干預加害人何等基本權利?各該基 本權利之保護內涵為何?依憲法法庭判決(111 年度憲判字第 2 號)意 旨,此等判決是否違憲侵害加害人之基本權利?憲法法庭此一判決是否 與前此相關司法院解釋之見解一致?(40 分)

22 下列何者不會是造成景氣衰退的原因?

24. One can always manage to do more things, no matter________full one's schedule is in life.   
(C) when
(D) where