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三、簡答題 2 題(每題 10 分,共 20 分)
1.請簡述 ABC(作業成本制)(Activity-Based Costing)?

12 .一般蒸餾酒的酒精度多為 

三、1974年開始被提出的通用設計(Universal Design),主要在消弭 弱勢族群跟一般人之間的隔閡,讓所有使用族群都能友善地利 用空間。其原則性,只要有為更多使用族群著想,就能成為好 的通用設計。請舉出2個與「視覺傳達設計」有關的案例,並說 明其理念與特色。(40分)

36. 廠商某甲承攬公共工程,工程進行期間,甲與其工程人員經常招待該公共工程委辦機關之監工及 驗收之公務員喝花酒或招待出國旅遊,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)某甲與相關公務員均已涉嫌觸犯貪 污治罪條例
(C)公務員若沒有收 現金,就沒有罪

19 依民法之規定,出租人以違章建築並違規隔間後經承租人合意訂定租賃契約, 該租賃契約是否合法 ?
(A) 不合法 
(B) 須經主管機關許可使用 
(C) 合法 
(D) 須具有適居性,才合法

2. Please translate the following brief excerpts, and reply to the questions below (25%):

Dementia is among the most common burden of disability and dependency among the ever-growing size of the aging population in many countries. Approximately 10 million newly diagnosed cases of dementia are reported annually worldwide. Currently, there are roughly 50 million people with dementia around the globe. This disease is projected to become 82 million in 2030 and 152 million in 2050. Two-third of these people with dementia reside in the developing countries. The total number of people with dementia is found predominately in the elderly population. Dementia can interfere behaviors associated with daily living, and can also affect their carers and families. There are many lifestyle-related risk factors related to dementia, including physical inactivity, tobacco use, obesity, alcohol, diabetes mellitus and unbalanced diets. Among them, social isolation, low educational attainment, cognitive inactivity, and mid-life depression are potentially modifiable risk factors with origin rooted in their past experience and surroundings. The WHO Assembly endorsed a global action plan not only to 'lower the impact of dementia' and ' improve diagnosis, treatment and care,' but also to 'increase awareness of dementia,' support dementia carers,' and 'enhance health information systems for dementia.' (Modified from the topic of dementia from the WHO website)


【題組】(二)Situated Knowledge (5%)


三、公共工程「生態檢核」為我國近年來為減低工程建設與生態保育衝突的具體作法,請說明其檢核之三大核心、五大工程生命週期以及四大具體生態保育措施為何?(25 分)