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三、設 U1 , U 2 , L , U 8 為抽自均勻分布 U (0 ,1) 的隨機樣本, U (1) ≤ U ( 2) ≤ L ≤ U (8) 為其順序 統計量(order statistics),求以下機率:(寫出算式即可,不必計算答案)

【題組】 ⑴ P(U (8) < 0.6) (8 分)

71. 銅管不能用在
(D)氧氧 的環境中。

二、 觀察實驗二的影片,並回答下列問題:

【題組】(二) 這結果是如何形成的請提出你的解釋?

四、「雙計軸偵測系統」為臺灣鐵路管理局現有的列車位置偵測方式,當同一區間的兩計軸系統發生計軸結果不一致時,即「一系統顯示列車占用, 另一系統顯示列車未占用」,現有系統的運作機制為何?試以安全分析的角度,評論現有機制之安全性,並嘗試提出安全精進之作為。(25 分)

三、非傳統安全的範圍可以劃分為五個基本類型,即經濟安全、資訊安全、 公共安全、生態安全和文化安全。請試就這五個類型,說明非傳統安全 涉及那些主要的議題?(25 分)


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
      For adventurous travelers, diarrhea is merely an embarrassing nuisance. But among poor people it is a killer. As many as half a million children are thought to die every year from enteric diseases, including cholera and dysentery. Repeated infections also   16   them, laying them open to attacks from other killers such as pneumonia. Diarrhea can even change the average   17   of a certain population. One reason Indian children are shorter than sub-Saharan African children from families of similar means is that they fall sick more often.
     Bangladesh, one of Asia’s poorest countries, is making huge progress   18   this misfortune. In one part of the country with particularly good data, deaths from diarrhea and other enteric diseases have fallen by 90% in the past two decades. Along with a far-reaching   19   program and steady economic growth, that has helped drive down the number of childhood deaths. In 1990 the under-five death rate in Bangladesh was 54% higher than the world average. Now it is 16% lower. In a country with more than 160 million inhabitants, this represents a vast   20   in human misery. Bangladesh’s success holds lessons for other poor countries that are trying to beat back disease.

(A) weight
(B) height
(C) behavior
(D) intelligence

18. 若有人誤食具有腐蝕性的強酸物質,下列急救措施何者有誤?

二、被害人經法院准許參與訴訟程序時之本人與代理人、自訴人為受判決人 之不利益而聲請再審時,以及被告於判決確定後為請求檢察總長提起非 常上訴時,有無卷證資料獲知權?(25 分)