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20. 要將1 kg、50 ℃純水加熱成150 ℃ 水蒸汽,請問須提供多少熱量(KJ)?(水比熱4 KJ/kg/k,100 ℃ 水的汽化熱2257 KJ/kg,水蒸汽比熱2 KJ/kg/k)
(A) 8599
(B) 5338
(C) 5216
(D) 2557

四、法國國家行政學院(École National e d' Administration, ENA)一向有「法國高級文 官搖籃」的美譽,請說明其培訓課程內容與特色及 2005 年改革後的發展方向。 (25 分)

40. 臺灣沿海地名中有「野柳岬」、「貓鼻頭」、「鵝鑾鼻」、「富貴角」等。所謂「岬」、「頭」、 「鼻」、「角」者,一般是指以下何種地形?
(A) 海岸線呈內凹的一個灣
(B) 被海水淹沒的海岸谷地
(C) 和海岸線平行的一道沙脊
(D) 海岸線向海凸出的濱岸

二、何謂「關鍵成功因素」(Key Success Factor, KSF)?以台鐵即將改制國營公司為例,其關鍵成功因素應包含那些?其未來與交通部所屬其他(全資)國營企業,擇一公司比較兩者營運特性上的異同。(25 分)

三、某縣消防人員執行立坑救助時,傷亡慘重,為避免傷亡發生,試說明立坑救助器材 組有那些?(25 分)

10. 橫斷研究法(cross-sectional study)中,進行因果關係判斷時,常遭遇哪一項問 題?
(A) 符合現存知識
(B) 正確的時序性
(C) 相關的強度
(D) 相關的一致性

一、由於我國出口產品常為其他 WTO 會員國反傾銷調查之對象,並常造成外國廠商將 訂單外移至他國,對我國出口商造成負面衝擊,甚或產業外移。試論:

【題組】⑴ WTO 反傾銷協定有關反傾銷稅課徵之實體與程序規定。(10 分)


【題組】4) Radioactive

      You must have been impressed with the movie “Rain Man,” starring Dustin Hoffman, which introduced many of us to a disorder known as savant syndrome. In the film, Hoffman’s character, Raymond Babbitt, is    31    as having a photographic memory for baseball statistics and phone book lists. Although some may    32    the syndrome as pure Hollywood fantasy, there are people whose memory and development skills qualify them as real-life rainmen.
      A savant is a mentally challenged person who has a(n)    33    talent in a certain kind of activity. Savants may have a genius for music, painting, and mathematics as follows. Tony DeBlois is a celebrated jazz musician. On top of playing the piano well, he is    34    in 20 other instruments, including the ukulele and the English handbells. Steven Wiltshire is another incredible artist who demonstrates exceptional brilliance in painting. He accomplishes a highly accurate and detailed sketch of London, which is all    35    to scale and perspective, after taking a short helicopter ride. Also, Daniel Tammet is another master with a brilliant brain. He first becomes a household name, when reciting pi to 22,514 decimal places within five hours. Whatever their intelligence, they all    36    a marvelous ability to remember a large number of details about a particular subject.
      On the other hand, savants have disabilities in certain aspects. About half of all savants struggle with autism, a neurobehavioral condition characterized by difficulties with communication and social           37   . The rest of the savant population suffers from other mental disabilities or brain injuries. Some savants, like Tony DeBlois, have the extra flaw of being blind as well. Many are even unable to    38    daily routines like buttoning their shirts.
      To date, there is no accepted cognitive theory explaining the combination of talents and genetic       39    in people with savant syndrome. It is generally believed that the minds of savants    40    their birth defects by centering on one area of professional skills. Without doubt, we will never stop being inspired by their dazzling abilities.
(AB) carry out (AC) proficient (AD) drawn (AE) interaction (BC) exhibit
(BD) imperfections (BE) specific (CD) dismiss (CE) make up for (DE) portrayed
