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45. 一理想變壓器,原線圈為 104 匝,副線圈為 500 匝。若輸入電流為 20 A,則輸出電流為下列何者?
(A) 400
(B) 500
(C) 600
(D) 800


3.特約人員按月支薪者,其每月薪資以 (6)  點計算之金額為上限。

7. The possibility for the ecosystems to exist under multiples "states" refer to the theory of:
(A) Alternative stable states
(B)Intermediate disturbance
(C) Changes

四、臺灣沿岸的棲地多樣性非常豐富。請各舉一例,指出臺灣沿岸有紅樹林、鹽澤與海 草床生態系分布的所在地,並請列表比較三者生態系特性的異同。(20 分)

V. 閱讀測驗(第 27 題至第 30 題,共 8 分)
Musicals have become one of the most extravagant forms of entertainment around. Certainly one of the most popular in recent years is Cats, a musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Webber is the incredibly successful composer behind many famous musicals, and Cats stands as one of the most famous. Cats is based on a book of poems by T.S. Eliot. The poems are fun and playful, and less intellectual and serious than the majority of Eliot's works. Cats was first performed in London in 1981, and had its final performance in 2002, hence the longest running musical at the time. It had nearly nine thousand performances. It was also performed on Broadway, starting in 1982, and was the longest-running musical in Broadway history until this record was broken by another of Webber's musicals, The Phantom of the Opera. Cats is essentially a musical fantasy. The human actors dress in elaborate cat costumes, and its various characters are introduced through songs. The story line is quite minimal, and not much happens. The main focus of the play is the characters themselves, and through the songs they share their personalities and their stories. The song Memory was particularly popular, and is often played outside of the Cats musical.

【題組】30.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) The first performance of Cats was in England.
(B) Webber has become rich thanks to his successful musicals.
(C) The musical Cats is not very realistic.
(D) One of the songs from Cats is quite famous outside of the play.



一、政府強化治理機制,將提升施政效能。試分析比較會計人員行使內部審核職權與審計人 員行使審計職權之異同?請就意義、範圍及實施方式予以說明之。(25 分)


一、 如圖所示,剛性桿件ABC於B點以繩索固定於D點,C點承載外力 80 kN,假設忽略剛性桿件ABC與繩索之自重,試求A 點支承反力及繩索BD之內力。(20分)