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【題組】(b) The solid shaft is subjected to a torque, bending moment, and shear force as shown in Figure 4. Determine the principal stresses acting at points A and B.



第四題: 假設一位農業科學家想要確認三種不同肥料是否產生不同的農作物收穫量。於是,他將 肥料 A、B、C 分別施用到各 20 塊 1 英畝的地(共 60 塊地)。在生長季節結束時,科學家記 錄每 1 英畝地的農作物收穫量。使用肥料 A 之農作物收穫量的平均值與標準差分別為 551.5 與 2741.95;使用肥料 B 之農作物收穫量的平均值與標準差分別為 576.75 與 2641.14;使 用肥料 C 之農作物收穫量的平均值與標準差分別為 559.45 與 3129.31。60 塊地農作物收穫 量的總平均值 562.6。621f0b3b9a349.jpg

【題組】 (一)請說明造成 60 塊地農作物收穫量之間的變異的可能來源。【5 分】

四、某日發生銀行搶案,警方在銀行附近一輛疑為被搶匪丟棄的車上找到一副眼鏡與眼 鏡盒。警方利用眼鏡盒上眼鏡行之地址,找到這家眼鏡行,進而扣押儲存在電腦內 之電腦驗光紀錄。問,電腦驗光紀錄與在眼鏡上所採得之指紋各屬於何種證據?依 據現行刑事訴訟法規定應如何進行證據之調查?(25 分)

1.某甲為 A 上市公司之董事長,甲在 A 上市公司與 B 上市公司已經取得合併之協議但尚未公開揭露訊息 前買進以 A 上市公司股票為標的且在期貨交易所交易之期貨契約,是否構成內線交易禁止之規定?應 如何適用法律?試請簡要說明現行期貨交易內線交易禁止規定其構成要件之行為人主體範圍與刑事法 律責任規定。

III. Reading Comprehension (Each 2%, Total 30%) From its inception, children’s literature had in it an unusual educational function, which is to show horror and dire consequences in order to lead one into a certain pattern. Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China, for instance, relied on brutal intimidation to frighten children into docile behavior. In the story, Yeh-Shen was disfavored by her stepmother, and had to take care of all the house chores. At the village where Yeh-Shen lived, a festival would be held in springtime. All young men and women would like to attend the festival since it provided them with a chance to meet other youths, and possibly further spouse. As the festival was approaching, Yeh-Shen longed to go. But, her stepmother forbade her to leave the house. Desperately, she asked help from the magic bones that her fish friend left to her before. Immediately, she was transformed into a beauty. That night at the festival, everyone marveled at her prettiness. However, in order to hide from her stepmother and stepsister, she ran away from the party. She therefore lost one of her slippers. She had to find her shoe and return to the bones; otherwise, the bones would no longer have any responses to her. When she went to take her lost shoe back, her beauty attracted the prince. Eventually, the prince asked for her hand in marriage. As she was rewarded for her good heart, hard work, and inner beauty, her stepmother and stepsister were crushed to death in a shower of stones because of their wickedness and malice. In short, through a combined representation of a good girl and a wicked stepsister, this tale promotes a pedagogy of fear and terror through images of death and disaster to pave the path for children to move into their expected roles.
【題組】37. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Yeh-Shen has two stepsisters
(B) Yeh-Shen’s father is an official
(C) Yeh-Shen is a Chinese daughter
(D) Yeh-Shen is one of Cinderella’s sisters-in-law