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4. It is necessary to determine the vapor-liquid equilibrium composition for designing a separation process for a binary mixture of perfluoro-n-heptane and n-heptane at 25 ℃ At this temperature, the vapor pressure of pure perfluoro-n-heptane is 0.1101 bar, and the vapor pressure of pure n-heptane is 0.0601 bar.


(c) (6%) Recalculate the composition in part (a), assuming the solution obeys the regular solution theory. The regular solution parameters are 

9. 工廠油類火災不得使用

二、為使廢棄物焚化灰渣採樣工作周延完善,請說明焚化灰渣採樣計畫應具備之重要內 容。(20 分)


【題組】3.凱末爾MustafaKemal Atattrk (5%)

21. 小明是一位具有書寫困難的學習障礙學生,請問下列何項調整可以協助他取代寫字 的動作?
(A) 開關按鍵
(B) 語音輸入軟體
(C) 合成語音軟體
(D) 螢幕閱讀軟體

柳宗悅是日本代表性的思想家、美學家、民藝之父,他在《何為民藝》中談 到自己設立的「日本民藝館」與一般美術館的區別時這樣寫:「無論什麼樣的 美術館,都會盡可能搜集好的藏品並將之陳列出來,這種特質是永遠不會變 的。但『好藏品』的定義在現實中卻曖昧不清:有的人注重物品的歷史價值, 有的人珍視它們輾轉的經歷;有的人尊敬帶有作者銘文的東西,有的人重視 製造技巧的精妙;有的人為物品的稀有而心動,有的人則只是看重物品本身 的特質。每個人的立場不一,搜集的東西也資質各異。」而柳宗悅認為,名 垂青史的東西不一定都美,來路傳奇、鐫刻銘文的東西也不一定都好,製作 技巧與美不一定成正比。大多數美術館缺乏看到物品本質的能力,而真正審 美標準一致的美術館是稀有的。 「如果要挑選真正美的東西,一定要跨越各種 立場,直接鑒賞物品本身的美。」

【題組】(4) 基於您對上述所稱之「物品本身的美」的見解和創意思考,請設計一件 生活器具。請用「圖繪和文字」說明其創意特色和存在意義。設計的表 達內容包含:創意概念、思考過程、構想草圖和著色透視表現圖;並說 明設計物的功能、材料、技術工法、使用特點和美學特徵等。(30%)

請依下文回答第 57 題至第 60 題
       Fire is one of humankind’s most significant discoveries, but it can also be a great source of danger in accidents. On average 8 in 1,000,000 people are killed annually in Europe, and more are hospitalized due to fire. Fortunately, governments that have continuously adjusted fire safety strategies have addressed this risk. As a positive result, in the past 30 years, fire deaths dropped by 65% in Europe. 
       Buildings notably represent an important part of the places where fire has fatal consequences. Therefore, numerous national and regional fire safety regulations have been implemented targeting buildings specifically. Plastics are used in various building and construction applications, from durable pipes and window frames to state-of-the-art insulation solutions. Over the years, the industry has increased efforts to develop plastic materials, products, and construction solutions with lower ignitability and limited impact on fire spread, contributing to the ongoing reduction of fatalities, injuries, and property damage due to fire.
       The most crucial aspect of a building’s safety in the face of fire is the possibility of a safe escape. A necessary precondition is that fire safety facilities enable independent and adequate fire response performances by the building’s occupants. In practice, the measures currently required by law do not always provide the support people need in burning buildings. Fire evacuation is essential to bring fire safety measures into line with occupants’ needs during an incident. Training and education at all levels play a vital part in this. The management responsible for a building must ensure that the occupants understand how to behave in the event of a fire.
       Fire safety has always been and continues to be a major objective for the industry and an integral part of product design and manufacturing. However, to provide adequate fire safety in buildings, consideration must be given to various connected design and use aspects. In addition, training and education to help building occupants respond adequately in the face of fire also plays a vital role in building fire safety.

【題組】59 According to the passage, what is required to ensure fire safety in buildings?
(A) Fire safety facilities and adequate training are both needed to enable adequate fire response performances by the building’s occupants.
(B) Building industries reduce the uses of plastics in a wide and growing range of building and construction applications.
(C) Civil servants implement national and regional fire safety regulations targeting buildings specifically.
(D) The management leaves the responsibility for independent and adequate fire response performances to building occupants.

13. 淨水處理 __________ 作用非為快濾池去除原水中所含濁度之基本原理。
(A) 沉澱
(B) 篩除
(C) 吸附架橋
(D) 生物分解