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1. 如下圖所示之電路,為無穩態多諧振盪電路,試推導證明出振盪週期T=0.693(R1C1+R2C2)之結 果。(請詳列證明過程) php3tPWtB

44 至 47 題為題組
        In Metamorphoses, the Roman poet Ovid tells the tale of Pygmalion, king of Cyprus, and his rather unusual love affair. The story has been interpreted in many ways, and its fascinating hero and heroine have inspired numerous artists, poets, filmmakers, writers, composers and choreographers.
       Disgusted by Cypriot women’s immortality, Pygmalion takes comfort in a statue of a beautiful woman, which he sculpts from ivory. Soon, he becomes obsessed with the sculpture. He kisses and caresses her, and showers her with gifts, making himself believe that the woman is made not of ivory but of flesh and blood.
        Pygmalion falls completely in love with the statue. Therefore, when the festival of Aphrodite comes around, he begs that the goddess would give him a wife just like his ivory girl. When he returns home and kisses his sculpted female, he finds that her lips are soft and warm. Pygmalion’s wish has been granted: his beloved statue is a living being. The two wed, and she bears him a son, Paphos.
        There are various reinterpretations of the myth. The most famous one is George Bernard Shaw’s piece—Pygmalion in Five Acts, a story of a professor who makes a bet that he can train an uneducated Londoner to behave like an upper class lady. The theme of the man creating his ideal woman is seen in both tales. In Bernard Shaw’s more feminist version, though, the heroine ultimately rejects her “creator.” In 1964, the play was adapted for a movie, My Fair Lady. Different from its stage presentation, it leaves the audience wondering whether or not the flower seller Eliza goes back to Prof. Henry Higgins, who teaches her to speak "proper" English, thereby making her presentable in the high society of Edwardian London.
         Whether you see Pygmalion as a hopeless romantic, a misogynist, or both, there’s no doubt that the myth has inspired many fine works of art and literature. The story of the king and his ivory wife is certainly one that captures the imagination.

【題組】44. In the myth of Pygmalion, which of the following events happens first?
(A) The birth of Paphos.
(B) The festival of Aphrodite.
(C) The wedding of Pygmalion and his bride.
(D) The transformation of the statue into a real person.


6. (10pt) For the s-domain circuit in figure3, determine the transfer function and vo (t) if vs (t)=cos2t.


5. ______to music is my best choice when I have free time.
(A) Listening
(B) Cleaning
(C) Running
(D) Covering

19. 螺紋代號為 M10×1.5,〝1.5〞是代表

19. 船舶柴油主機操控系統中的檢測裝置,下列何者是主要檢測的項目?
(A) 氣缸的溫度與壓力
(B) 排氣溫度
(C) 冷卻水的溫度與流量
(D) 主機的轉速與轉向

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Assume the current directory is bigProject, what it the result?
(A) If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the source directory.
(B) The compiler returns an invalid flag error.
(C) If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the classes directory.
(D) If the compile is successful, Utils.class is added to the bigProject directory.


【題組】(二)MA(2)模式,,求取 Q 值。(4 分)

二、聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),在兼 顧「經濟發展」、「社會進步」與「環境保護」等三大面向下,提出 17 項永續發展目標,預計在 2030 年前,共同解決貧窮、不平等、氣 候變遷及城市永續問題。其中,在第二個目標中提及:「確保糧食安 全,消除飢餓,促進永續農業」。請論述落實永續發展目標第二個目標 的具體作為。
