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27. 下列何者不為WTO(世界貿易組織)下的貿易救濟措施?

一、對所謂 Internet-based reference services 替代現行許多 紙本式資料之提供,將面臨那些實質的問題? 20%

一、現有一湖泊資料,且中間有數個小島,目標為分別建立水體與島嶼之資料,試討論 分別以向量式資料模式及網格式資料模式記錄之方式與成果有何差異?影響記錄成 果之因素有那些?(20 分)

(A) 防止內部短路時保險絲熔斷
(B) 防止信號過載
(C) 確保中性線接地
(D) 確保危險電壓不會出現在機箱上

【已刪除】6. He took the machine to pieces to find out how it _______.
(A) progressed
(B) operated
(C) equipped
(D) managed

Question 3 
A fluid is held in a container that is covered with a frictionless piston. The container and the piston are thermally insulated (no heat exchange with the environment), and the environn ment is at constant pressure, P. A paddle is placed within the container,which is rotated by dropping a weight of mass M attached to a frictionless pulley contraption (see the figure below). Assume that the mass M drops by a distance h with the gravity g.
You are lucky that the properties of this fluid, including the heat capacities, Cp and Cv,the isobaric thermal expansivity, a, and the isothermal compressibility, B, have all been measured. It also turns out that they are constant for the process of consideration.

【題組】(b) Derive an expression for the change in volume AV with an initial volume V1

一、這是個假設狀況。行政院農業委員會(以下簡稱農委會)接受行政院指示,農委會 轄下之各個一級單位皆需召開策略共識會議,以討論並擬定各一級單位的策略計畫。 接受指示,農委會轄下某研究機構籌備召開策略共識會議,要求機構內各部門主管 與代表參加,並各自提出該研究機構的策略計畫提案。你被貴部門主管指定為參加 代表,並被指示提出草案,經與主管討論後,在策略共識會議向貴研究機構首長與 各部門主管報告提案,以供討論以建立整個研究單位的策略共識。為準備草擬你的 提案,你收集貴機構與策略規劃有關的資料,主要如底下參考資料(其之二與之三 為該研究機構年度預算書中所列年度施政目標及衡量指標)。 問題:請參考底下資料回答


【題組】⑵就工作目標、年度施政目標、策略績效目標與衡量指標之策略架構,你認為有何 可增加或補強之處,使整個策略架構更完整?(10 分)

一、某電信公司在一個人口兩千人左右的社區設立了一座微波鐵塔後,三年內有三位居 民因肺癌去世,居民懷疑是微波所引起,主管派您調查是否屬實,請問:

【題組】⑷如果有人規劃一個肺癌監視系統長期監控疫情,主管請您負責評估此系統的優劣, 您評估此系統特質的指標有那些?(10 分)

96. 當執法部門向金融機構送達搜索令時,機構員工應完成的三件事是什麼?
(A) 在外部顧問到場前,他們不得提供任何檔。
(B) 他們應與執法部門緊密合作並保持冷靜和禮貌。
(C) 他們應獲得執法部門從機構提取的材料的清單。
(D) 他們應查看搜索令以確定其範圍。


A 71-year-old woman with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation being treated with warfarin 3.75 mg/day presented at the hospital with a 5-day history of increasing swelling in her neck, sialorrhoea, and difficulty swallowing. One week earlier, she had been started on fluconazole 200 mg once a day because of oral candidiasis. She was afebrile. Physical examination showed a large, soft, dark-red swelling on the floor of her mouth: her tongue was displaced superiorly. She had a sublingual haematoma. Laboratory testing showed a C-reactive protein level of 65 mg/L (reference value <5.0 mg/L), a white cell count of 12.5✕109 per L with 83.3% neutrophils, and an international normalised ratio of more than 9.0 (reference range < 3.0). Coagulation was rapidly corrected with prothrombin complex concentrate and intravenous vitamin K, leading to spontaneous resolution of haematoma over the course of one week while the patient was under close surveillance. 

【題組】 (一)列出文中所述及藥品與其用途。