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Problem 1 Please explain the following terms:

【題組】(b) Recycle stream with a purge in a chemical process (Draw a scheme to explain)

15.電磁爐是常見的電器用品,在正常使用時,僅考慮改變一種變因,若欲加速煮熟食物,則可改變下 列何項因素?

76.高女士,33 歲,孕產史G2P1,現懷孕15 週,依醫囑進行母血唐氏症篩檢,其抽血檢驗項目主要為何?
(A)α胎兒蛋白、人 類絨毛膜性腺激素(HCG)
(D)β胎 兒蛋白、雌性二醇(E2)。

10. 有一 A 國的人口情況表如右表:試問:A 國目前是如何的狀態?

36. 年終獲利 60,000 元,經發現下列錯誤:利息收入 2000 元誤記為佣金收入 2000 元, 折舊費用多提列 1500 元,期末存貨 3000 元誤記為 300 元,則更正後正確淨利應為 何?
(A) 61,200 元
(B) 64,200 元
(C) 64,600 元
(D) 58,800 元

II. Cloze (每題1分,共15分)
     Here are different financial approaches you could take at different life stages. At the early 20s, our income is far from its 11 so the first priority is to grow our income. One of the main problems in the early 20s is a “budget first” mentality. 12 sacrificing little luxuries of life, you should find a part-time job to cover the extra expense. In 25 to 30 years old, simple saving might not be enough. There is a range of investments making your money match 13 . Using structured deposits avoids your savings steadily devalued with the market. In 30 to 40 years old, the main concern should be 14 investment. Investing in real estate helps you establish wealth. In your 40s and 50s, the only focus on closing credit lines and getting the right insurance. All methods mentioned above are 15 by most people. Apply some of them and grow your money.

(A) Among
(B) Until
(C) In view of
(D) Rather than

43. 在接到進港準備通知後,除將主機轉速緩慢降低外,其蒸氣噴嘴應做如何處理?
(A)噴 嘴號數由小號噴嘴換成大號噴嘴以便操車
(B)將噴嘴換為出入港用的噴嘴(即使用噴嘴 組或操縱組)


四、本題分為⑴、⑵、⑶部分,請依題意為己公司作必要之分錄,若不需作分錄者,需 註明“不用作分錄"始計分。 ⑴己公司於 X1 年 1 月 1 日參與政府某頻道開放之使用權競標,開標結果己公司 以$80,000,000 取得該頻道 4 年之使用權,請分別依下列不同狀況作 X1 年 12 月 31 日對該頻道使用權應有之攤銷分錄。

【題組】2.己公司敗訴,因此該頻道使用權遭撤銷,原投標金額遭沒收。(6 分) 3.假設法院原訂 3 月 1 日宣判,但因發生新事證,故宣布延後宣判,至 X2 年 12 月 31 日仍未宣判,公司律師估計己公司勝訴之機率為 60%,敗訴機率為 40%。(5 分)