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五、當一道平行光從介質一(折射率為 n1)入射介質二(折射率為 n2)時,因兩種介質 之折射率之差距而產生折射。

【題組】 ⑶說明 TE 偏振與 TM 偏振產生全透射(100% transmission)的條件。(6 分)


4. Consider a two-period economy (/ = 0, 1). The operating profit of firm j can be expressed as6167811ccf630.jpgis the exogenous profitability shock; At is a technology shook at time t;61678171c112c.jpg is private capital of fimm j. a > 0 is assumed. The depreciation rate of capital k for firm / is δj. Thus, the investment of firm6167835541711.jpg, firm j has a liquidation value of6167832856a3f.jpg. The investment in private capital involves adjustment cost 616782fcd02a5.jpg616782d89bb1a.jpg. The stochastic discount factor between time 0 and 1 is m, where log(m) = logβ + γ(x0 -x1), where 0 <β< 1, and γ> 0. Firm j then chooses ij.0 to maximize its value, which is the sum of the discounted cash flows from the two periods:6167821ea7df6.jpg E[.] is an expectation operator. From standard asset pricing equation, 616781e40bbea.jpg -Cov0(r1,m). Specifically, the cash flows from t = 0 are equal to the operating profit minus the investment cost and the adjustment cost. The cash flows from ! = I are equal to the operating profit plus the liquidation value.


(3) (10 points) Please derive expected excess return:6167842564f69.jpg, which is a function of the covariance between the operating profit at t = 1 of firm y and the aggregate productivity shock.

39. 一工件利用含碳量0,1%的碳鋼製成,若要增加其表面硬度,且其内部也要保持相當的韌性, 則應使用下列何種方法以達到此目的?

二、依都市計畫法規定,都市計畫經發布實施後,不得隨時任意變更。但擬定計畫之機關多久至少應通盤檢討一次?(5 分)然若遇到那些情況, 當地直轄市、縣(市)政府或鄉、鎮、縣轄市公所,應視實際情形迅行變更?(20 分)


31. Please determine the pI of the following peptides: Lys-His-Trp-Ser-Gly-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly

3. The measure of variability which overcomes the dependency on the extreme data values is the_______ .(5 points)
(B)interquartile range
(D)geometric mean

7.下列何者係指美國於 1981 年所創立之境外金融中心?

(二)(1)請繪製實體關係(entity-relation, ER)圖,建模專題製作科目 CS 5001 中的專題分組。【15 分】

【題組】(2)在 ER 圖中畫出所有實體及關係,並標示所有適當的多重性(multiplicity)及參 照完整性等限制條件(constraint),並須繪出每個實體集(entity set)中的鍵值屬 性(key attribute)。

四、請回答下列有關政府預算之問題:(請以 107 年 12 月 31 日之法令制度 規範為回答依據) ⑴邁向頂尖大學計畫的經費係來自第一預備金、第二預備金或追加預 算?(4 分)