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五、食品藥物管理署接獲民眾檢舉 A 公司涉嫌販售逾期冷凍肉品,請問政府機關(食藥 署及當地衛生局)應如何處理此事件,並寫出依據的法規名稱。(15 分)

道路交通事故現場所遺留之煞車痕(skid marks)與因轉彎過急所留下之側向滑痕 (yaw marks),都有助於事故處理人員藉以推估事故發生當時相關車輛之行車速率,請問此二者之成因為何?又根據二者之特徵所求得的車速在本質上有何不同?(25 分)

559 金融從業人員辦理投資型金融商品推介或銷售業務時,為避免糾紛,應遵守下列何種事項?
(B) 應依據客戶風險之承受度銷售或推介客戶適當之商品或投資組合
(C)不得銷售或推 介逾越客戶財力狀況或合適之投資範圍以外之商品

6.(10%)考慮packing tower,何謂chanelineffect?

       企業內不同階層需要不同的資訊系統,沒有任何單一系統可以完全滿足企業內的所有資 訊 需 求 。 請 針 對 知 識 工 作 系 統 (Knowledge Work Systems, KWS) 、 管 理 資 訊 系 統 (Management Information Systems, MIS)、決策支援系統(Decision Support System, DSS)、 交 易 處 理 系 統 (Transaction Processing Systems, TPS) 、 辦 公 室 自 動 化 系 統 (Office Automation Systems, OAS)、高階主管資訊系統(Executive Information System, EIS)和策略 資訊系統(Strategic Information System, SIS)等資訊系統,回答下列問題:

【題組】(四)策略資訊系統在企業中扮演的角色為何?【5 分】

三、動態協和供應鏈模式(Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment Model, DSCA)的管理架構,係利用 4 種不同層級的角度來分析供應鏈,並利用 P-A-D-I 邏輯(或稱行為特質)描述 4 層級管 理結構,透過不同的排列組合,產生多種可能的邏輯組合。請回答下列問題:

【題組】 (一)請列舉動態協和供應鏈模式中的 4 層級結構為何?(4 分)

四、(1)何謂灰色地帶(Gray Zone)衝突?


        The Australian government has operated a policy since 2013, obstructing refugees from arriving in their country and seeking humanitarian aids. Those asylum-seekers and illegal migrants have been completely rejected and detained on distant Pacific islands like Manus and Nauru. This policy was formulated by Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia by then. The main objective of this plan is to prevent refugees from staying in Australia and settle them instead in remote areas as part of the resettlement deal with Papua New Guinea. Thousands of those refugees were thus delivered there. Yet, after years of detention on those faraway Pacific islands, the demeaning conditions those refugees are in and their agony are heard worldwide as the United Nations Refugee Agency and international human rights groups have condemned the Australian government’s implementation of this policy. But the Australian government still sticks to its principle and has done nothing to alter the plan. 
       As a remarkable way to “celebrate” the fifth anniversary of this policy’s renewal, thousands of protestors marched across cities in Australia to ask for the termination of this offshore detention policy as they think that five years are too long for the detention. Besides Sydney, demonstrations across the streets took place jointly in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth as well. The devastating stories of refugees detained on camps on those islands were occasionally heard with a recent suicidal case of an Iranian refugee on Naura whose body has reached Australia but would be buried in Naura or repatriated back to Iran. One of the advocacy groups for human rights claimed that has been the fifth death on Nauru since Australia launched its offshore detention project in July 2013, whereas there were also seven others who have passed away on Manus during approximately the same phase. The Australian government has attempted to arrange those refugees to third countries such as the US, and over a hundred of them have been transported there, according to the Refugee Action Coalition. But there still remain around 1,600 refugees on Nauru and Manus.

【題組】49 According to the passage, why did the demonstrators in Australia march across cities to protest against this detention policy?
(A) They want to celebrate the implementation of the detention policy.
(B) They do not want Australia to become a disgraceful nation.
(C) They welcome the arrival of the refugees in their country.
(D) They think the detention has been too long and inappropriate.

16. 何謂 e-Commerce?