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3 訊息胜肽 (signal peptide)一般位於蛋白質胺基酸序列的那一位置?
(A) 氮(N)端
(B) 碳(C)端
(C) 連接於含氫氧(OH)官能基之特定胺基酸,如 Ser, Thr, Tyr
(D) 利用電荷作用與帶正電的胺基酸接合,如 Lys, Arg

24 Tc-99m ECD 可用於下列何種造影?
(A) 肺臟灌注掃描
(B) 心肌灌注掃描
(C) 腎臟灌注掃描
(D) 腦血流灌注掃描

1.何謂劃一題名? 10%

題目一: 假設電腦使用 8 位元,2 的補數整數儲存法表現一個整數,請回答下列問題:

【題組】(三)這樣的表示法所能表達的整數範圍若以 10 進位表示,其起迄範圍為何?【4 分】 以上請列出計算過程。

The following is an example of some student’s composition. Please follow grading rubrics from CEEC and (1) grade this writing (0~20), (2) correct the mistakes, (3) analyze the weaknesses in the writing, and (4) make a general comment and provide suggestions for this student to improve his/her writing skill.

        I always love to enjoy my daly life. It’s important for me to live in my ideal neighborhood. A park for exersice is absolutely necessary. I often exercise which makes me feel that I am still energetic. Also, it is vital that families having pets should have a place to walk puppies. If it remains enough room, I hope that I could have a basketball court near my home. I might need a gym, too. It must be good to see the live show. Professional devices may help me build a good body.
       In addition to the enviroment, I think it is better to have kind neighbors. I love social activities, because I am a passionate guy love to make friends. My neighbors must be good at cooking. I can be happy just because of a plate of cake! I hope my neighbors are funny, too. Humerous people will form a positive community, so we can be healthy not only physically but also mentally. The above description is my ideal neighborhood.

一、請分別敘述以下市面上常見的傳統式相機與數位相機之差異性:(每小題 5 分, 共 25 分)

【題組】 ⑷中型和大型相機

4. 國立羅東高級商業職業學校招生廣告動態圖像腳本繪製 (40 分) 因應學校未來面臨少子化的招生需求,請根據學校基本資料,設計繪製一則 1 分鐘長度的網路宣傳動態圖像(Motion Graphics) 廣告腳本。設計表現重點,以單色表現(如鉛筆、原子筆等皆可)繪製腳本畫面,內容包括自訂開場的主、副標題設計,以 5 格畫面為限依序畫出每一重要場景,且須含敘述秒數、運鏡、旁白、配樂等。表現格式自訂,繪製於空白答案紙。

 學校基本資料/ 國立羅東高級商業職業學校(英語:National Lo-Tung Commercial Vocational High School),簡稱國立羅東高商、羅東高商、 羅商,英文簡稱 LTCVS ,位於臺灣宜蘭縣羅東鎮,為一所國立技術型高級中等學校。

三、下表為某一經濟系統部門間的投入產出矩陣(Input Output Matrix)。 請分別回答下列之問題:


(A) Neural networks
(B) Fuzzy theory
(C) Petri-nets model
(D) Case-based reasoning