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1. 請將你熟悉的一項交通運輸服務繪製服務藍圖。 
包括橫軸時間,從左到右要包含: (1)進場 (2)傳遞核心服務 (3)結束離場三大步驟及其次步驟。 還有縱軸作業活動,從上到下要包含: (1)前場的作業活動、 實體環境、顧客活動、互動線、與顧客接觸人員的前場作業 (2) 可見線(3)與顧客接觸人員的後場作業、其他服務人員的支援 作業、資訊科技的支援作業。(50 分) 
2. 承上,並回答下列問題:

【題組】(2) 哪些作業活動可能是潛在的失敗點? 可以引進哪些設備 或措施以增加效率或減少失敗機率? (25 分)


【題組】3. 管制瀕絕物種國際貿易的「華盛頓公約(Washington Convention)」。 (5 分)

32 因應 COVID-19 疫情,醫療人員進行呼吸道檢體採集時,應有完善的個人防護裝備,請問這 些裝備不包括下列那項?
(A) N95 等級以上口罩



18. 飛航逾各項規定者或航空器起飛前,降落後,拒絕檢查者懲罰為何?
(B)處新台幣六萬元以上三十萬元以下罰鍰,情節重大者 ,停止其執業或撤銷其執業證書

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
     Immigration, depression, anxiety and international cultures will be the focus of a series of games being developed for a video game expo in New York, Play NYC, with an eye on giving players a unique take on real issues.
     Playcrafting, the organizer of the event, says that diversity is in the DNA of New York, which is why it is proud to celebrate what makes New York and the American gaming industry so special by commissioning six, new “Graffiti Games” installations created by local, first-generation immigrant developers.
    “Last year was the first convention, and we wanted to make our sophomore year even more impactful,” Dan Butchko, founder of Playcrafting said. “There have been a lot of dialogues that focus on people’s differences lately. Games are the great uniter. Whether you’re creating or playing them, they have a way of bringing people together, no matter where you’re going or where you come from. Giving these talented developers the space to express themselves with no restrictions was our way to celebrate diversity and the beauty of the NYC gaming community.”
    The eight game developers whose work will be featured are originally from China, India, Kazakhstan, Peru, Spain, and Venezuela. Some of their games to be on display include:
   (1) Home Stretch by Prashast Thapan from New Delhi, India: An arcade-style racing game in which a player will race through a city reminiscent of New Delhi to obtain a visa, and then head to New York. During their travels, obstacles will pile up and the trip becomes progressively more difficult.
   (2) The Llama Express by Pilar Aranda from Valencia, Spain and Saúl Peña Gamero from Lima, Peru: A lighthearted game in which players ride a train through the fictional country of Esperú, feeding hungry llamas encountered along the way with traditional Hispanic food from the train.
   (3) A Hero’s Journey by Kurt Young from Beijing, China: A VR game in which players first design an environment, choose a hero, a prince or princess and a villain and watch a story unfold. Players need to use either VR or a projector to battle through obstacles the game contains.

【題組】39 What is the author’s attitude toward the topic?
(A) Fearful
(B) Cautious
(C) Positive
(D) Aggressive

4.某房仲公司欲分析新北市影響豪宅房價的因素,過去10筆成交記錄的豪宅坪數(變數X單 位:坪)和成交價(變數F單位:百萬元)如下  

【題組】 (1)Find the best linear regression model. 

(A) 7kΩ
(B) 6kΩ
(C) 5kΩ
(D) 4kΩ

4. 一N通道JFET工作在飽和區中,若 IDSS=8mA ,  V P = −4 V ,且  V GS = −2 V ,則電流 ID 為何? ________

一、請試述下列名詞之意涵:(每小題 5 分,共 25 分)
