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二、在 2015 年 5 月 7 日所舉行的英國國會選舉中,保守黨(Conservative Party)以 36.9%的得票率,拿下過半數(50.8%)的 330 席(總共 650 席),第三大黨蘇格蘭 民族黨(Scottish National Party)以 4.7%的得票率,得到 56 席(8.6%),但英國獨 立黨(UK Independence Party)獲得 12.6%的選票,卻只贏得 1 席(0.2%)。為何 會造成此種政黨的得票率和席次率之間差距如此之大的結果?如果你是英國獨立黨 的支持者,你會建議何種選舉制度的改革方案?為什麼?(25 分)

19.某甲將其筆記本以新臺幣 100 元出售給某乙並交付之,某乙並交付 100 元鈔票 1 張給某甲,試問, 某甲與某乙之債權行為與物權行為之敘述何者正確?

一、圖一(a)及圖一(b)顯示兩個由直線桿件構成之結構,桿件交會處均為鉸接。請問它們 是否為穩定結構?如為不穩定結構,請說明不穩定之原因,即可停止作答;如為穩定 結構,請說明它們超靜定的次數 R。R=0 即表示為靜定結構。(25 分)

2. 試說明鋁鹽(俗稱明礬)及聚氯化鋁混凝劑在加藥操作方面有何差異?

16. 在同時使用數部農用電動機時,應

61. 感應電動機採用 Y-△起動,起動電流為△接時之
(D)3 倍。

Human nature seems to regard perpetual scarcity as the law of life. Daily I am astonished at how readily I believe that something I need is in short supply. If I__36__ possessions, it is because I believe that there is not enough to go around. If I struggle with others over power, it is because I believe power is limited. If I become jealous in relationships, it is because I believe that if you get too much love I will be__37__. The irony, often tragic, is that by embracing the scarcity __38__ , we create the very scarcities we fear. If I hoard material goods, others will have too little and I will never have enough. IfI fight my way up the ladder of __39__ , others will be defeated and I will never feel secure. If I get jealous of someone I love, I am likely to drive that person away. If I cling to the words I have written as if they were the last of their kind, the pool of new possibilities will surely go dry. We create scarcity by fearfully accepting it as law, and by competing with others for resources as if we were __40__ on the Sahara at the last oasis.
(A) years
(B) life
(C) power
(D) knowledge

(A)為了趕快下 班,車子儘量開快一點
(B)遇到工廠要丟事業廢棄物,委婉告知應找尋合 格業者處理
(C)工廠丟出來的垃圾看起來跟家戶的差不多,順手讓他丟也 無所謂
(D)為避免與民眾產生衝突,就算民眾未將垃圾與回收物分類,也 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,裝作沒看見。