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10. 用來操控汽車行駛之方向的是:

QuestionsⅢ, problem 36-45 (3 points each)
 Below is the information from published Journal papers, please try to answer the following questions.

【題組】36. What is the purpose for verifying the feasibility of solidifying rubber by electrolytic polymerization?
(A) reduce cost,
(B) enhance production,
(C) improve quality,
(D) advertisement,
(E) management


【題組】 (1) Edward Deci 與Richard Ryan 的 自我决定論(Self-Determination Theory (10分)

102 關於席次安排應遵守的三 P 原則,下列何者為錯誤?

26. 量測曲柄臂距值時,須在下列何種條件下量測?
(A)通常新造船舶,在壓半艙時進行量 測
(D)通常修理船舶後,在 滿載時進行量測

13. 安定性試驗不研究於下列哪個因素對產品的影響?

3. 某射擊遊戲的玩家要避開障礙物射擊目標。今在遊戲畫面 中設立一直角坐標系,以長方形螢幕左下角點 O 為原點, 螢幕下方的邊緣為 x軸、螢幕左方的邊緣為 y 軸,目標物放在點 P(12,10)。畫面中有兩面牆(牆厚度可忽略不計), 一面牆由點 A(10,5) 水平延伸到 點 B(15,5) ,另一面牆由點 C(0,6) 水平延伸到點 D(9,6),如右圖之示意圖。若玩家在點 Q 可直線射擊點 P 的目標物,不會被兩面牆阻擋。下列哪一個選項有可能是點 Q 的坐標?

(A) (6,3)
(B) (7,3)
(C) (8,5)
(D) (9,1)
(E) (9,2)

The holiday season (the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas) is the most important time of the year for logistics. companies like UPS and FedEx. During this period, they need to cope with high volumes. Both UPS and FedEx struggle to deliver the surge of packages they receive. Every year, UPS and FedEx are thinking about whether they should add additional surcharges during this pcak period. Such higher rates could increase the profits of both firms. However, the profits also depend on the competitor's decisions. Suppose UPS and FedEx make their pricing decisions simultaneously, without any communication. The payoff matrix during the holiday season of UPS and FedEx is as follows:

【題組】6. Suppose UPS and FedEx face the same payoff matrix every year during the holiday season. That is, the game is repeated. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) UPS's choices are not influenced by FedEx's actions.
(B) UPS and FedEx cooperate and achieve the collusive Nash equilibrium for all rounds.
(C) UPS and FedEx may cooperate to both charge additional surcharges if the game is played indefinitely.
(D) If the game is repcated a finite number of times (T), UPS and FedEx can cooperate until the (T-1) round. At the last round, the two firms will switch to their dominant strategy.

四、甲因宮廟的神明香火袋問題與 A 素有糾紛,某日二人又因該事產生口角,在宮廟前馬路上大打出手,甲不堪被打,在宮廟 Line 群組留言: 「廟前集結」。乙與丙看到訊息後到場。甲、乙與丙一起將 A 包圍,導致 A 跌倒,當 A 欲從地上爬起,因前方遭圍只能往路旁後退,乙與丙從背後猛推,再次造成 A 踉蹌跌坐在地,腳部骨折。之後三人又一起抓住 A 的 身體,將其從馬路抬起,丟到路旁電線桿後揚長而去,整個過程大約十 分鐘,而當時宮廟前並無人目睹,案經 A 報警後,檢察官偵查後起訴。 試問:按照目前實務見解,三人可能構成何罪,請列舉並檢討所有可能 犯罪。(25 分)

52 A: Good afternoon. May I help you?
B: We have been waiting in the ______ for one and a half hours, but some of our group members still can’t find their luggage.
(A) departure lounge
(B) boarding gate
(C) baggage claim area
(D) the immigration counter