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14. 若 f(x)=x 2+7x+12 於坐標平面上之圖形頂點為 P,與 X 軸相交於 Q 和 R,並且 與 Y 軸相交於 S 點,設四邊形 PQSR 之面積為 A,則下列何者正確?
(A) 4 < A < 5
(B) 5 < A < 6
(C) 6 < A < 7
(D) 7 < A < 8

       Bluebirds are often known as the “bluebirds of happiness”, meaning they are generally associated with the concepts of joy, happiness, and harmony. The bluebird is a symbol of hope, love, positivity, and renewal. It symbolizes the essence of life and beauty. A bluebird reminds you to give yourself up to the beauty of nature that surrounds you and set yourself free. One of the most significant symbols of the bluebirds is associated with their wing color; blue is symbolic of peace, tranquility, and contentment, and so are these beautiful birds. Overall, the arrival of the bluebird is a sign of hope since it could mean spiritual transformation.
       Even in the harshest climates, when they have a scarcity of food, these birds still manage to sing cheerfully and do so because they know better days are ahead. It is a sign that you should never lose faith, even in your darkest hours. You must hold on to the belief that in the end, it will all be alright.
       Bluebirds also stand for the inner child in all of us. They remind us that while the world might be a cruel place, you should never lose your kindness and innocence because these are the traits that make you a better person. They have a positive spirit and keep the negative energies at bay. The bluebirds remind you to be aware of whatever sources of happiness around you so that you can reap the happiness out of those sources.
        A bluebird is often seen as a spirit animal. A spirit animal refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person shares or embodies. The bluebird spirit firmly believes in spreading joy everywhere they go. The bluebird spirit animal almost always means good news; however, regardless of what type of news we receive or change we notice, a bluebird spirit animal always prepares us for what lies ahead. In times of trial, it teaches us to stay confident in our plan, and when goodness comes to us, it encourages us to share our joy with others.

【題組】31. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Bluebirds and what they symbolize
(B) What kinds of people like bluebirds
(C) The supernatural power of bluebirds
(D) How positive and negative energies interact

71.應力性尿失禁患者出現不自主尿液滲漏,通常可能在下列那些狀況下發生?①打噴嚏或咳嗽 ②跑步過馬路 ③提很重行李上公車 ④參與游泳課或瑜珈課程



一、您的工作單位將導入一套新系統,在決定新系統的實施日期,通常應考 慮那些因素?(25 分)

80 關於頭部 CT 之射束硬化(beam hardening)假影,下列何者錯誤?
(A)又稱為杯狀假影(cup artifact)