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32. 關於資訊安全政策,下列何者敘述有誤?

請回答第 38 題至第 41 題: 
     Neuroscientists used an instrument called functional MRI to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people. One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children. The other consisted of people who learned their second language later in life. When placed inside the MRI scanner, which allowed the researchers to see which parts of the brain were getting more blood and were thus more active, people from both groups were asked to think about what they had done the day before, first in one language and then the other.
    The researchers looked specifically at Broca’s area, in the left frontal part, which is believed to manage speech production. The two groups of people demonstrated different uses of their Broca’s area. People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca’s area for both languages. But those who learned a second language later in life made use of a distinct region in Broca’s area for their second language—near the one activated for their native tongue.
    Researchers concluded that when language is being hard-wired during development, the brain may
intertwine sounds and structures from all languages into the same area. But once that wiring is complete, the management of a new language, with new sounds and structures, must be taken over by a different part of the brain.

【題組】40 Based on this passage, what is NOT true about Broca’s area?
(A)This area is in charge of producing language.
(B)It is located at the left hemisphere of the brain.
(C)This area is used for the production of the second language.
(D)People use the same Broca’s area for both their first and second languages.

二、依都市計畫法及省市施行細則規定,都市計劃可透過「施行細則」、「土地使用管制規則」及「都市計畫書」分別訂定土地使用管理規定,請分別述明三種方式之訂定程序有何不同?前述三種方式所訂規定內容如有出入或不相同時(如建蔽率、容積率等規定),其在建築管理效力上之優先順序為何?(25 分)

四、公務員服務法與公務人員行政中立法為我國公務倫理的重要規範依據。 試分成五類,說明分析當中相關倫理的規範要求。(25 分)

65. 當有泥塵進入患者其中一隻眼睛時,處理的方法是:
(A) 讓患者輕擦眼睛,以便撥走異物
(B) 用力閉起眼睛,利用淚水將異物沖走
(C) 用紗布遮蔽受傷的眼睛
(D) 用水將眼睛沖洗,以沖走異物

二、(10 pts) Please answer the following questions.

【題組】 (a) (5 pts) What is a decision tree?

四、隨著產業結構的改變與民主政治的發展,臺灣南北差異的爭議性持續擴大。某研究 機構想就此問題進行了解,並比較兩地區成人居民的社會經濟地位(SES)。他們 決定分層隨機抽取成人居民進行問卷調查。根據蒐集到的資料,他們發展出由兩個 元素所組成的社會經濟地位指數(Index for SES),並用它來將成人居民的社會經 濟地位,分成高、中、低三類。另外,問卷裡也問了居民本人的教育程度(完成幾 年的學校教育)與平均月收入等問題(低於 20,000,20,000-45,000,45,001 以上)。 請根據上述資訊,回答下列問題:(25 分) 什麼?


二、試說明泵浦性能曲線圖(pump performance curve)及其功用,並解釋圖中所顯示的兩種曲線及兩區線交會點的意義。(20 分)

二、 請回答下列問題:


(一 )求 A 之反矩陣( inverse of the matrix A ),617a03a039d3c.jpg


【題組】 1.經甲主張異議並請複丈,其結果與重測相符。請先說明何謂登記之公信力及公信力保護之標的,並分析甲得否主張登記之公信力,故地政事務所不得訂正該面積值?(25分)