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二、行政院農業委員會林務局於 89 年起,著手建置「中央山脈保育廊道」,藉以連接 中央山脈地區的自然保留區、野生動物保護區、自然保護區、國家公園及國有林地, 形成中央山脈保育軸線。請說明中央山脈保育廊道的重要保育意義,並請列舉 10 處 「中央山脈保育廊道」軸線上的現有自然保留區、野生動物保護區、自然保護區和 國家公園。(20 分)

13. 當專科護理師與病人及家屬在討論病情變化及會談時,下列作法何者最適當?
(A) 進行病人與家屬病情變化諮詢討論時,應在第一時間盡可能告知全部狀況,以利病人與家屬做決定
(B) 討論相關病情時,應主動傾聽及同理心回應,當病人不斷訴說時,應給予中斷,先 提問病人狀況,表達對病人的興趣
(C) 可以從開放式問題到重點式問題,漸進回應其提問,一系列問題應一次問完,再提供多項答案並複誦確認之
(D) 病人及家屬的提問,專科護理師無法適當處置時,應轉知醫師,必要時協助安排再次病情說明




4. 若企業想在網路上將商品提供線上交易服務,可以採用以下哪些方式?

      Please translate the 10 underlined words(翻譯下列10個有底線單字):
The centromere is essential in cell division but its exact function and   (1) composition   has cluded
researchers for many years. A novel PCR-based approach may force the centromere to give up its final
secrets. The centromere   (2) comprises   approximately 5% of the human genome, is at the center of every chromosome as the link between sister chromatids and plays an esscntial role in cell division by   (3)facelltating   spindle attachment and   (4) ensuring   proper chromosome segregation. However, the study of centromeres has becn made dificult by its repetitive DNA sequence - leading to its   (5) reputation   as the final frontier of DNA. Centromeres are comprised of long repeating sequences of DNA named alpha satellite DNA. The sequences within the repeats are similar or even identical, cach comprising of potentially 170 bases, hence making ordering the sequences difficult. Traditional DNA sequencing   (6) chops   up a DNA strand into shorter parts, which are then read and (7) assembled back together. "The problem with centromeres is all the pieces look the same. I'll be like putting together a puzzle of the Sahara Desert,"commented Beth Sullivan, a molecular biologist at Duke University School of Medicine (NC, USA). Whilst the human genome project may have been   (8) declared   complete 15 years ago, there are still gaps. This is mainly comprised of centromeric DNA as the technologies at the time were not   (9) sophisticated   cnough to allow the sequencing of this   (10) portion  . However, recent developments in this field have now pioneered technologies which are sophisticated enough.


【題組 2】

【題組】19. 【題組 2 背景描述如附圖】勒索集團對公司機密資料進行加密, 公司 IT 或是資安團隊應採取的應變措施,下列何項較「不」適 當?
(A) 聯繫駭客勒索集團,進行贖金交易取回解密密碼
(B) 查核相關資料庫備份機制是否可以回復
(C) 查核虛擬備份環境可否快速復原相關系統,加速恢 復運營
(D) 查核相關備援備份資料是否也受到汙染或破壞

三、在模板工程中何謂再撐?為何要使用再撐?(10 分)

21. Brisson et al. 視「能力」為工作的要素,反映於工作場所中可觀察的行為(Observable Behavior)有哪些?