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一、如圖 1 所示的偏心圓凸輪機構(Eccentric cam mechanism),其透過一偏心圓凸輪(機件 2)與一平移式平面型從動件(機件 3)相接觸並進行傳動。其中,凸輪之旋轉中心位於 O2,K 與 R 分別為偏心圓之圓心與半 徑,θ為凸輪角位移,A 為凸輪與從動件之接觸點,P 為從動件上之位置 參考點,e 為 P 點與 O2點在垂直方向上的偏位量(如圖所示,定義 P 點 在 O2點上方時,e 為正值)、Φ為從動件平面與垂直方向的傾斜角(如圖所示,定義從動件平面往順時針方向傾斜時,Φ為正值)。令偏心圓凸輪 以逆時針方向進行等速旋轉,且令偏心量 O2K = r2,並定義 P 點與 O2點的水平距離為從動件的位置函數L(θ)。請針對下列各子題依序進行作答:

【題組】(二)請說明此凸輪機構的壓力角(Pressure angle)如何加以定義,並請說明其壓力角在凸輪旋轉一整圈時的變化範圍為何。(15 分)

(C) LINE Pay、Apple Pay 都是常見行動支付

299 企業推動 ERP 時,MIS資訊單位階層若只屬於課層級(低階主管層級),我們會擔⼼⾯ 臨哪些問題?
(A)當 ERP 推動發⽣資源瓶頸時,擔⼼⼈微⾔輕,建⾔不容易被採納
(C)當 ERP 推動發⽣延遲或異常時,需要組織動員⽀援的時效不佳


四、試求一個四氣缸、四衝程(stroke)的柴油引擎,壓縮比 r = 15,每氣缸的排氣容積(displacement volume)Vd = 9 m3,當轉速為 300 rpm 時的制動扭矩(brake torque)τ = 13700 N • m,每氣缸的耗油率5ed5cd494a6c4.jpg為 0.007 kg / sec,柴油的燃燒熱(heat of combustion)qc為 45 MJ / kg,試求:


(一)制動功率5ed5cd6139075.jpg,單位 kW。

三、位元填充(Bit-Stuffing)使用於 HDLC(High-Level Data Link Control)與 USB (Universal Serial Bus)協定之資料傳輸,請說明它的目的與運作方式。(20 分)


3. For a direct-mapped cache design with a 32-bit address, the following bits of the address are used to access the cache. (13%)

【題組】(c) What is the ratio between total bits required for such a cache implementation over the data storage bits? (5%) Offset

二、若需要將一個質子(m0 =1.00727 amu)加速到使其動能為 1000 MeV(1 TeV) ,請計算質子的總能量(MeV)以及其速度(m/s)。另外,請說明質子通常會使用何種設備來加速?(20 分)

二、試述民國初年廣州軍政府創立的目的及護法過程。(25 分)

二、英文作文:請根據下面的指示,寫出一篇大約 350 字的短文。(50 分) Read the excerpt below carefully and think about the assignment that follows. The diplomatic (re)making of the world involves two layers, “order as value” and “order as fact.” What is less clear, however, is what kind of diplomatic processes and instruments can help remake the world for the “better”? For some, peaceful international orders cannot emerge without diplomats systematically addressing the deep causes of international conflict such as endemic poverty, global health disparities, undemocratic governance or lack of opportunities for human development. For others, these represent legitimate and ambitious goals but hardly feasible given the sheer complexity of the issues and the practical difficulties of mobilizing broad coalitions of actors and institutions in support of long-term projects. There is no easy formula to reconcile these two views. Short- and long-term priorities obviously need to be set, but the nature of these priorities remains a subject of intense debate. –Corneliu Bjola and Markus Kornprobst. Understanding International Diplomacy: Theory, Practice and Ethics. Assignment: Based on the excerpt, what is the essential difference between the two views on the role of diplomats in creating peaceful international orders? Do you agree with Corneliu Bjola and Markus Kornprobst that there exists “no easy formula to reconcile the two views”? In your opinion, what kind of diplomatic processes and instruments can help improve the world? Compose an essay in which you express your views on this topic. Your essay may support, refute, or qualify the views expressed in the excerpt. What you write, however, must be relevant to the topic under discussion. Additionally, you must support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

30. 墨痕寬度左右寬度不同,代表