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17. 下列有關使用電腦之敘述,何者正確?
(C)綠色電腦指可 保護眼睛之綠色螢幕之電腦
(D)電腦實習課程可權宜使用盜版軟體,只要套數不得超過 40 份 。

59. 102 年臺北市出現 33 件路面油漆污染環境事件,臺北市政府環境保護局將投 入人力與設置移動式攝影機加強取締,一旦查獲油漆污染行為,除追償清除 處理費用外,並將依違反
(A)廢棄物清理法重罰 6 千元
(B)環境衛生管理法重 罰 1 萬元
(C) 土壤污染防治法重罰 1 萬元
(D)道路交通處罰條例重罰 1 萬 元。

四、作者、讀者是文學的兩大要素,也是文學理論及文學研究方法的分歧因素。不少文學研究論點都主張放棄「作者中心」的研究取徑,例如,新批評主義(如William Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley 的「意圖的謬誤」等)、後結構主義(如Roland Barthes的「作者已死」等)請問:(1)前述二個理論對於「作者」概念的基本論點及具 同為何?(2)你認為在文學研究中,如何處理「作者」才是適當的作法?(25%)


第二題: 設 Z 模型表示雙端口網絡如下: php4649t3 如【圖 2】,其中輸入電壓 V0 = 3∠00、內部阻抗 Z0 = 5 Ω、負載阻抗 ZL = 4 Ω。請計算 雙端口網絡的輸入電壓 V1、輸出電壓 V2、輸入電流 I1、及輸出電流 I2。【25 分】phpZ7lYdQ


【題組】 ⑵租稅行政罰及刑事罰。(13 分)

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: What’s so bad about being a target online tracked by advertisers? If you don’t mind being watched by trackingcompany employees while you’re purchasing or logging into your account on websites, you are not involved in thefuss. In the past few years, a dispute has illustrated. Advertisers collected such fine-grained information about you suchas the websites you frequent, what kind of products you’re interested and even some private stuff like political views,health problems, and personal finances. Should advertisers have explicit permission to track people andsend behavioral ads? In 2010, America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommended a proposal that consumers should be given asimple “Do Not Track” (DNT) option by Internet browsers. Consumers could tell advertisers whether they want to befollowed or not. FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would make a start onresponding to DNT requests. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Apple’s Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla’s Firefoxoffered to implement DNT in top gear. Ironically, nowadays some privacy-conscious users may be offended by thenew release of Google Chrome for iOS disables DNT in order to have better speed and fewer crashes. Microsoft usedto say that Internet Explorer 10 would have DNT as a default; the company is reversing its standard now: DNT will notturn up as a default feature in its new browsers. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige advertisers to stop tracking, although some self-restrained companies havepromised to do so. It is much harder to distinguish whether someone is really against behavior ads or whether theystick with “interest-based” ads. Some users may ignore DNT and press on anyway. Advertisers honor DNT but arguethat the decision should be up to users but not by browser vendors. Based on the voluntary principle of “Do NotTrack,” Microsoft, Chrome and Firefox leave “Do Not Track” off by default. Whether consumers turn DNT on or offis not probably important all that much. After all, using tools like Disconnect Ad Blocking and add-ons like Ghosteryand uBlock are more effective if online users want to make sure that they aren’t tracked.
【題組】16 According to the passage, what is DNT for?
(A)It effectively blocks the tracks of online advertisers for the users.
(B)It helps advertisers track users and provide better online services.
(C)It avoids complaints from the advertisers for tracking users online.
(D)It sends signals to advertisers that the user does not want to be tracked.

1- ّ أي نوع من ّ التلوث ليس من ّ تلوث البيئة ؟
(A) ّ تلوث الماء
(B) ّ تلوث التربة
(C) ّ تلوث النفس
(D) الضوضاء

二、請說明兒童及少年福利與權益保障的國際發展趨勢為何?政府於民國 100 年 11 月 公布的「兒童及少年福利與權益保障法」,有那些內容係回應這股趨勢?請說明之。 (25 分)

四、某位經營三家連鎖超商的商人購入五箱飲料,而此三家超商銷售飲料的利潤並不相 同,如下表所列(單位:元)。

 該商人想知道如何分配此五箱飲料至三家超商銷售,可使平均利潤最大。此外,基 於管理上的方便,飲料需整箱分配,但不必每家都有配銷。請應用動態規劃找出分 配五箱飲料至三家超商的方式,以使平均利潤最大。(20 分)