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3. 根據供應鏈協會所定義的SCOR,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A) SCOR著重在三個流程層面,並預留空間讓個別企業將有關模式套用到其商業系統之中
(B) SCOR是專為製造業所開發的供應鏈流程參考模式,是供應鏈的診斷工具
(C) SCOR將企業流程再造,標竿企業(Benchmarking)與流程績效指標整合
(D) SCOR模型的設計可支援各種不同複雜和跨企業的供應鏈,它是一個具有三個流程層級的階段是模型

三、試述食品中之反式脂肪酸(trans fatty acid)的來源與如何形成?其主要存在於那些 產品及對健康有何不良影響?(20 分)

5. Describe and draw out the different types of vertical concentration distribution patterns for elements in the ocean?

QUESTION 9 Which table should you query to determine when your procedure was last compiled?

Questions 47-50 refer to the following news report. 
       Welcome to the world of "unboxing videos," one of the many p peculiar genres res on You Tube, the Google-owned video hosting site where viewers watch more than 6 billion hours of video every month. Unboxing videos are exactly what they sound like: People opening boxes and narrating their actions. The volume of unboxing videos has boomed in recent years. Easy to make and surprisingly hypnotic to watch, the videos have become a lucrative little corner of the Internet for the people who film them.
      The most popular unboxings are for expensive gadgets, like the iPhone, Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Competition for these views is fierce. Tech-news sites rush to post their own slideshows and videos of brand-new Apple products being birthed from their high-end packaging. - [I] - Companies have even started uploading their own unboxing videos to official YouTube channels, like this clip of the new Xbox One from Microsoft that has been watched more than 3 million times.
        Since 2010, the number of YouTube clips with "unboxing" in the headline has increased 871%, Last year alone, 2,370 days, or 6.5 years, worth of unboxing footage was uploaded to the site. The traffic is coming from all over the world, with an uptick in recent interest from such far-flung places as India, Brunei, Sri Lanka, and Trinidad and Tobago. film them.
        - [2] - The people who post the videos are not just bragging about their latest purchases. They make money off ads displayed at the start of a clip or that pop up while they're playing. YouTube's payment system is complicated, but one unboxer said he can make $2 to $4 for every 1,000 views. Older videos don't necessarily fall off the search rankings, so a creator in it for the long haul can make more money as they add videos over time.
        Creators only get paid per "monitized" view. That means visitors have to actually watch enough of the video for ads to appear. To keep people from abandoning a video before they've seen an ad, the videos have to be engaging, well shot and more than just SE0-keyword spar. Unboxers look at Google Ad Words and YouTube search's auto suggest function to uncover popular search terms and name their videos aceordingly. They might borrow the products, or buy and return them after the video is shot. - [3] -
       To keep viewers engaged, unboxers often bring a unique style to their product category. Some put their own personalities front and center, turning their faces into a trusted brand that brings back followers. Others have a specific shooting style that might favor time-lapse style footage set to catchy music, or close-up shots that pan lovingly over the unblemished surface of a new product.
        In addition to pulling in search traffic, good unboxers can get large volumes of subscribers to their YouTube channels. - [4] - Consistency and focus are key to Iuring in those repeat viewers, so some people will have multiple channels, one for cach narrow c category.

【題組】47. An "unboxer" is someone who________.
(A) embeds ads in footage
(B) monitors net traffic on You Tube
(C) uploads short films of user experience
(D) provides video-editing service


二、有一地梁(長度 L,斷面 b×b)置於土壤上,此梁承受二個集中載重 P 及土壤分佈載重 q 如下圖所示。如 L = 10 m,a = 2 m,P = 360 kN, q 為常數,地梁之自重可忽略,梁之最大容許剪應力 τallow = 8 MPa。 試計算 q、梁之最大剪力絕對值| Vmax| 及斷面最小之 b 值。(15 分)5cff126df18e0.jpg

二、區域性貿易協定(Regional Trade Agreements)與世界貿易組織各協定之 關連與適用優先性,乃為法律實務與理論長久之爭議,請闡明其主要之 法律爭點。WTO 原產地協定(Agreement on Rules of Origin)旨在於調 合(harmonize)各會員國對於原產地的認定準則,故若區域性貿易協定 採行與 WTO 原產地協定不同之認定準則,對於其他非該區域性協定會 員國依 WTO 所得享有之協定利益有何影響?是否構成市場進入之障礙 或歧視性措施?GATT 協定中有無相關之救濟途徑?並請舉例說明其引 發之國際經貿與消費者權益之影響。 (35 分)

293、 職業安全衛生法之立法意旨為保障工作者安全與健康,防止下列何種災害?
(A) 職業災害

26.事業單位工作場所如發生職業災害,雇主應即採取何種必要之措施?並 實施調查、分析及作成紀錄。
(C)向法院自 首


1.Mechanic Energy Equation61d401eb22d0a.jpg
Thermal Energy Equation61d402181b03a.jpg說明兩方程式各項的物理意義並討論兩方程式之間如何交互作用。 (10%)